
Ben’s Corner: A Ton of StarCityGames.com News!

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve filled you all in on the latest StarCityGames.com news! What’s been going on lately? We’ve redone our entire pricing structure on singles (did you know that Standard commons now start at $.10 each?), and our new E-bay division has put hundreds of Foreign cards up for auction! Read all the details, our $6 buy price on Troll Ascetic, plus an exciting announcement about next week’s Deal of the Day, only at Ben’s Corner!

Not a typo! We are currently buying [card name=Hey everyone! It’s been a crazy-long time since my last Ben’s Corner, and so much has happened in the past few months. For those reading Ben’s Corner for the first time, hello! I’m Ben Bleiweiss, and I’m the General Manager of StarCityGames.com. This is where I let everyone in on the goings-on for SCG.com, from price changes to upcoming tournaments to random observations about the state of Magic. I have a ton of things to get to, so let’s get straight to business.

A few weeks ago, we decided to drop the base pricing of our foil and non-foil cards. Standard Commons now start at $.10 (a dime!) and Uncommons at $.25 (a quarter!). In addition, a majority of foil Commons are now $.50, foil Uncommons begin at $.50, and most foil Rares cost only $2. If you’re a collector, now’s the time to fill out your NM foil sets! If you’re a player, building decks has never been cheaper! Even better news — when our preorders for Time Spiral singles go live the day after the prerelease, we will be using this very same pricing structure!

Speaking of Time Spiral, you may have heard that Wizards announced an MSRP increase earlier this week. Pre-orders are on hold until we receive revised pricing from our distributors, but we expect to have Time Spiral pre-orders back up shortly. For those of you who already placed pre-orders previous to the price change announcement: we will, of course, honor those prices! When we say “order early and save with StarCityGames.com“, we mean it. For those of you who haven’t pre-ordered yet, we will still be offering some great prices on Time Spiral boosters, starters, tournament decks, fat packs, and complete sets. Based on what’s been spoiled so far, this set looks absolutely redonkulous.

You know, WOTC raised the MSRP on Magic packs. At StarCityGames.com, we’re dropping ours! Our Deal of the Day program has been wildly successful and popular, and we’re going to have some truly inspiring deals on packs and sealed products all next week. Check back at midnight on Monday (as in right after 11:59pm Sunday night) when we say “MSRP up? Let’s bring the prices down!”

Do you like foreign cards? Rarities? Misprints? Well, we’ve got those for you! If you look to your right, you’ll see the newly added E-Bay button on our site. Every Monday, we put up 100-200 auctions on E-Bay, each starting at a penny, and running until the following Monday. 99% of the items we put up on E-Bay are not for sale on our regular website. This includes foreign cards, Magic binders, BGS and PSA graded cards, miscut cards, misprinted cards, Duelist Life Counters, autographed cards/artist proofs, and other oddities and collectibles. Want a playset of Asian Tempest Intuitions? Looking to pick up a box of Japanese Onslaught Boosters? Jump on over to E-Bay and check out our auctions!

The buy list has been back up for the past few weeks, but it has been limited to 9th Edition, Ravnica, Guildpact, Dissension and Coldsnap. I’m working hard at putting together our full buy list, and I expect it to be online within the next couple of weeks. Until then, here’s a special buy offer:

WE ARE BUYING TROLL ASCETICS AT $6.00 EACH! That’s right, we are paying higher than most other dealer’s SELL prices on Troll Ascetic! E-mail Mail us at https://sales.starcitygames.com/contactus/contactform.php?emailid=6 with the subject “Take My Trolls!” along with your name, address, phone number, and number of Troll Ascetics you want to sell us. I’ll e-mail you back and give you instructions for sending the Trolls in! If you’ve got foil Troll Ascetics, we’ll pay you $10.00 each for those! If you’d like to combine selling us cards on our buylist with selling us Trolls, by all means feel free to do so.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you around the site!
