
Ask The Editor, 11/03/2004

Can you imagine a card Wizards could print that would make Affinity not the pre-eminent deck without narrowing the field of viable decks even further?

I’ll be quick today because I’m busy watching election returns and preparing to eat crow about any predictions I made that turn out radically off base (which may in fact be all of them).

According to BDM’s blog from Friday:

Randy Buehler: “Have you seen an Affinity deck yet?”

BDM: “No…”

Randy (smiling): “Me neither.”

Was Randy still smiling on Sunday?

Or a more general question- what was the funniest thing you saw at PT Columbus?

Raf Kaplan

Randy was still smiling on Sunday because the format is very diverse. Eight different decks in the Top 8 is such a radically different story from last year, that I’m sure he’s happy that he a) doesn’t have to ban anything, and b) has an environment that supports diversity. If you’ll look at the numbers I ran on Sunday night, they tell an interesting tale. What I’m not certain of is how the PTQ season will play out, but the nice part is that nobody else probably has a clue right now either. I still think Affinity can be hated out of Extended without too much of a problem, but it will be a couple of months before we know if I’m right or not.

Can you imagine a card Wizards could print that would make Affinity not the pre-eminent deck without narrowing the field of viable decks even further?

Matthew Aldridge

Meltdown. Energy Flux. Cards like that, where they don’t completely hose artifacts as a whole, but they do take care of cheap artifacts in large numbers as you would find in Affinity decks. Ironworks will be a casualty of any Affinity hoser, so any card that hurts Affinity will narrow at least one viable deck, regardless. As for stronger cards, I think Null Rod and Serenity would be too much, as they’d kill just about half a block worth of cards, which would probably equate to cutting off an arm to fix a gangrenous finger.

See you tomorrow!

Teddy Cardgame

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