
AJTV #9: Masterclass Control vs. Executing A Unique Game Plan

Welcome back to AJTV! In this episode, AJ Sacher analyzes a game of Standard at Pro Tour Gatecrash between Lukas Jaklovsky and Guillame Wafo-Tapa.

I’m definitely getting better at these, but it’s still not perfect. Streaming and having done eight of these definitely helped make this one the best yet, and I know what I need to improve on for next time.

Thanks to the “Cards in Hand” graphic on the stream, a lot of my work was done for me,which certainly helped a lot. I only really had to watch, take notes, and record. With that and the excellent camera work, I was able to do my John Madden impression, doodling to make my points rather than having to create custom graphics to cut to in order to explain something in more detail.

The game itself was pretty long, which is another reason why I didn’t really pause to cut away and talk at length about what was going on, as I was able to do most of it while the draw-go play continued.

Anywhoozle, I’ve been streaming a lot on twitch.tv, and you can follow me on Twitter @AJSacher to see when I’m producing content. Please leave a comment below, and thanks for watching!

AJ Sacher