Above The Curve #31: Brave New (Standard) World Join Glenn, Brad, Todd, and special guest BBD for a recap of #SCGINVI, breaking down Brad’s new deck, a double dose of My Pack Your Pick, and bringing back You Make the Play! By Above The Curve August 2, 2013 Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied! B/G Midrange Brad Nelson Test deck on 08-04-2013 Standard Creatures (17) 3 Scavenging Ooze4 Thragtusk2 Disciple of Bolas4 Desecration Demon4 Lifebane Zombie Planeswalkers (3) 3 Liliana of the Veil Lands (26) 13 Swamp4 Overgrown Tomb3 Mutavault4 Woodland Cemetery2 Golgari Guildgate Spells (14) 3 Mutilate1 Putrefy2 Doom Blade3 Sign in Blood3 Tragic Slip2 Abrupt Decay Sideboard 3 Duress1 Mutilate1 Pithing Needle2 Vampire Nighthawk1 Liliana of the Veil2 Appetite for Brains2 Demonic Rising1 Abrupt Decay2 Underworld Connections Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied!