
Ask Ken, 03/29/2004

What ever happened to Team AlphaBetaUnlimited?

It’s a brand new week here at Ask Ken. Soon we will be celebrating my one-month anniversary of giving you all you wanted to know about everything. You will all be invited to the gala affair that will inevitably ensue, but in the meantime I am just going to read a little Reader Mail! Hey!

Today’s question comes to us from Nick Hamilton. Nick writes:


What ever happened to Team AlphaBetaUnlimited?

-Nick Hamilton

Well Nick, this is an intriguing question. This team was arguably the most successful team for the amount of time it was together. The powerful team included such luminaries as: Chris Benafel, Ryan Fuller, Noah Boeken, Phil Freneau, and Brian Hegstad and wore the shirt of their sponsor to many events. Their”A-team” (in team competition) was made up of the first two members on that list. They also brought in hired guns such as Dan Clegg, Dave Williams, and Bob Maher to team with them.

As powerful as this team was, they one by one stopped playing the game we all love. Most left for poker. Here is an update on each of these members (this isn’t an Osyp update, so no matter how hilarious you find these they are all true):

Chris Benafel – Poker player and part-time card dealer. Everyone once in a while you will find him at events, rarely playing.

Ryan Fuller – MIA

Noah Boeken – Grinded into Pro Tour: Amsterdam, but failed to make any noise. Last seen dating a super model and playing semi-professional poker on the side.

Phil Freneau – The most active of the group in Magic, but also a semi-professional poker player.

Brian Hegstad – Moved to LA to attend flight school and pursue a film career. Also a semi-professional poker player.

The source on life after Magic,


I hope you enjoyed learning about the current exploits of Team AlphaBetaUnlimited. Join me tomorrow when I discuss the merits of splitting Fireball. G’night everybody!

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