
Mind Twists #6

It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for another installment of Dayv Doberne’s Mind Twists. This week Dayv also shares his Battle of Wits decklist for Standard with you.

Hello everybody! It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for another installment of Mind Twists. You’ll find the solutions for last week’s puzzles at the very bottom of the article, hidden in some spoiler code. Try them yourself and see if you can figure out the answers.

Our winners this week were Greg Dreher (“What Does That Mechanic Do?”) and Joseph Blackman (“Spelltwining”). Check your inboxes!

Puzzle #1: Angry Eldrazi

You are about to get annihilated, quite literally. Faced with a huge Eldrazi army, you have but one turn before all your permanents along with your life total get wiped into another dimension. While Kozilek, Butcher of Truth has pledged allegiance to you, he has yet to be summoned. Your army of Spellshapers (plus an awkward wall) awaits your command, seeking your order to thwart the impending doom.

Winner will receive a signed Overtaker!

Puzzle #2: One Last Trade

Marco was nearing the end of his days. He had been a merchant his entire life—as a young child, he sold trinkets in the marketplace as soon as he could speak. Now, almost a century later, he owned a Trading Post where he mostly bought and sold goats. He lived peacefully with his pet cat Felidar and his Goblin apprentice Welder.

One day, an odd-looking merchant stopped by Marco’s Trading Post. He offered Marco a clock—a mystical clock, one that could give Marco all the time he wanted before embracing the impending eternal rest. In return, Marco would sell the merchant 100 goats, leaving Marco with just one remaining. Knowing that this opportunity would not present itself twice (and that Marco didn’t have much more time to live anyway), he accepted the offer and sent the merchant on his way with a new tribe of goats. As the stranger departed, Marco observed the clock, wondering what powers it contained.

Winner will receive a signed Trading Post!

Battle of Wits

As promised, here is my build of Battle of Wits. It’s a BUG Ramp shell, where Plan A is Battle of Wits, but Plan B is Primeval Titan (Plan C is to pray that random creatures or Birthing Pod can get there).

My original plan was to play this at SCG Las Vegas this weekend, but unfortunately it looks like I won’t be able to make it. The deck is a lot of fun to play, but perhaps not so much fun to shuffle. It seems pretty competitive and redundant, and there are definitely some draws that produce a very quick Battle of Wits. Best of luck to all of you out there trying to play this deck!

That’s all I have for this week. As always, I’m happy to hear input at [email protected]. Good luck and have fun, and I will see you all next week!

Dayv Doberne

@Sunyveil on Twitter


Here are the solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Puzzle #1: What Does That Mechanic Do?


Congratulations Greg, you will receive a signed Nature’s Blessing!

Puzzle #2: Spelltwining


Congratulations to Joseph Blackman, who will receive a signed Spelltwine!