WotC Announces New Players Tour Policy

Planning to participate in upcoming 2020 Players Tour events? You’ll want to review these new policies!

Entering the first weekend of MagicFest events in the new year, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has announced their 2020 Players Tour Invitation Policy.

Located under Qualification Information, the document covers information important for those participating in in the 2020 Players Tour events, including Tournament and Prize Eligibility, Planeswalker Points, Invitation Regulations, and much more.

The first set of Players Tour events this year will take place in early February with events qualifying players for the Players Tour Finals later in the year.

  • Weekend of February 1-2: Players Tour Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
  • Weekend of February 1-2: Players Tour Asia-Pacific (Nagoya, Japan)
  • Weekend of February 8-9: Players Tour Americas (Phoenix, Arizona, USA)