SCG CON Announces 2022 Expansion

Star City Games will bring their SCG CON Trading Card Game Convention to more than ten U.S. cities in 2022.

SCG CON will be returning in 2022, and we’ll be taking the show on the road!

Over the course of the year, we’ll be hosting approximately a dozen SCG CON events in various U.S. cities. Each will be a 3-day celebration of the Magic: The Gathering and Flesh and Blood Trading Card Games headlined by multiple main events that will vary at each stop. All SCG CON events will also include a core suite of consistent event experiences and attractions, such as the Command Zone, various side event packages, a Prize Wall, vendors, artists and more!

Here are dates and locations for the first three SCG CON events of 2022, along with the main events that will be headlining each: 

SCG CON Philadelphia

Valley Forge Casino Resort

February 11-13, 2022

  • MTG Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Prereleases (Friday-Sunday)
  • MTG Modern 10K (Saturday)
  • MTG Legacy 10K (Sunday)
  • Flesh and Blood Main Event TBA

SCG CON Indianapolis

Indianapolis Convention Center

March 18-20, 2022

  • Team Constructed $25K (Modern/Pioneer/Legacy) (Saturday-Sunday)
  • MTG Modern $5K (Sunday)
  • MTG Pioneer $5K (Sunday)
  • MTG Legacy $5K (Sunday)
  • Flesh and Blood Main Event TBA

SCG CON Dallas

Fort Worth Convention Center

April 8-10, 2022

  • MTG Modern 30K (Saturday-Sunday)
  • MTG Modern 10K (Sunday)
  • Flesh and Blood Main Event TBA

Some of you may have noticed that I’ve made no mention of the SCG Tour, and that is because the SCG Tour remains on indefinite hiatus. While some SCG CON events will feature a Magic: The Gathering event with a large prize pool as one or more of its main events, such tournaments will be self-contained events that are not part of a larger Organized Play program.

SCG CON Philadelphia’s main event schedule includes Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Prereleases, and these are some of the events that we’re the most excited about. If you miss the days when Prereleases used to be huge events attended by hundreds of players, or simply want to play with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for the first time at a Magic: The Gathering convention, you’ll love the special Prerelease events we have planned for February 11-13’s SCG CON Philadelphia!

To ensure the health and safety of our players, vendors, guests, and staff, all SCG CON attendees will be required to wear masks while inside any of our event halls (except for when eating or drinking) and provide either a) proof that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or b) a negative COVID-19 test result within 72 hours of the event date. Please note that we reserve the right to modify our Health and Safety Policies as new information becomes available.

Full details regarding 2022’s first three SCG CON events will be made available over the next couple of weeks.

Mark your calendars, and stay tuned!