Ravnica Cube Comes To Magic Online Tomorrow

Check out the updates and new events coming soon to Magic Online

Ravnica at War illustrated by Adam Paquette

As part of an ongoing series of weekly changes, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has announced the updates and changes for Week 11 of Innistrad: Crimson Vow on Magic Online.

Ravnica Cube Debuts Tomorrow

The Ravnica Cube, designed by Usman Jamil, kicks off tomorrow on Magic Online as part of the Spotlight Cube Series. The cube consists of 540 cards mostly from Ravnica sets with a heavy focus on multicolor. Check out the cube primer here.

Upcoming Showcase Challenge Qualifiers

Showcase Challenge Qualifiers allow players to reach the format Showcase Challenges for each format. Making the Top 8 of the Showcase Challenge Qualifiers earns the player an invite to the Showcase Challenge of the format of the event.

Saturday, Jan. 228 AM PTShowcase QualifierModernModern Showcase Challenge
Sunday Jan. 236 AM PTShowcase Qualifier PioneerPioneer Showcase Challenge
Saturday, Jan. 2910 AM PTShowcase Qualifier VintageVintage Showcase Challenge
Sunday, Jan. 308 AM PTShowcase Qualifier LegacyLegacy Showcase Challenge

Format Challenges

Format Challenges are scheduled to run every weekend for the foreseeable future and are the “first step to qualifying for Premier Play.” The schedule for upcoming Format Challenges can be found below:

Time (PT)SaturdaySunday
12:00 AM Vintage Challenge
2:00 AMPauper Challenge 
4:00 AMLegacy ChallengeModern Challenge
6:00 AMStandard ChallengePioneer Challenge
8:00 AMModern ChallengeLegacy Challenge
10:00 AMVintage ChallengePauper Challenge
2:00 PMPioneer ChallengeStandard Challenge

Next Downtime

The next downtime is scheduled for February 9 at 9 AM through noon.

Read the original article from WotC.