Gavin Verhey used today’s episode of Good Morning Magic to show off the new Year of the Ox promotional cards available in the Asia-Pacific regions.
Verhey is often assigned the role of coming up with standalone or special promo cards, like the old border foil Fabled Passages that local game stores will be get with players returning to stores soon. He was recently tasked with coming up with cards for the Asia-Pacific Store Challenger Series Year of the Ox cards. The alternate art Sethron, Hurloon General was previewed earlier this year, but it has four more Ox and Minotaur-themed cards coming as well.

The next four promos will be available over the next seven months and in different languages. For June 21-July 18, players get Moraug, Fury of Akoum.

Ox of Agonas is up next from August 9-September 5.

The next two cards will be getting special alternate art. For October 11-November 7, check out Angrath, the Flame-Chained.

And finally on December 6-January 16, new art Tahngarth, First Mate.

Verhey wrapped up the video talking about how different regions get different promo cards so they can specifically designed and tailored for each region. This is the second Lunar New Year promo, with the first happening in 2018.
Read more about the promo cards from the Daily MTG article.