Free Flashback Drafts On MTG Arena

Check out the updates and new events coming soon to MTG Arena

Armageddon illustrated by Florian de Gesincourt

Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has provided a series of important details about updates for MTG Arena.

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons, Client Update Delayed

The MTG Arena client update originally scheduled for Aug. 10 has been rescheduled for Aug. 24 along with the release of Jumpstart: Historic Horizons. Read more on the delay from WotC’s announcement from Monday.

Free Flashback Premier Drafts

To compensate for the delay of Jumpstart: Historic Horizons, MTG Arena is offering all players one free entry into a Premier Draft for three different sets over two weeks. All players can enter a Premier Draft for Amonkhet Remastered for free from Aug. 10-15, for Kaladesh Remastered from Aug. 15-20, and Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths on Aug. 20-26. Players can draft as many times, for the usual entry fee, following their free entry.

Historic Brawl Festival Starts Tomorrow

Historic Brawl returns to MTG Arena tomorrow with the Historic Brawl Festival. The festival runs from Aug. 12-24 with free entry and the first win rewards 3,000 XP.

Midweek Magic Is Momir This Week

The format for Midweek Magic from Aug. 10-12 is Momir. As usual, there is no entry fee and the first two wins award rare or mythic rare individual card rewards.

Upcoming Events

Midweek Magic

  • August 10-12: Momir
  • August 17-19: Standard All Access
  • August 24-26: Standard 2022

Quick Draft

  • August 10-27: Kaldheim
  • August 27-September 10: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Other Events

  • August 10-15: Premier Draft Amonkhet Remastered (first entry free)
  • August 12-24: Historic Brawl Festival
  • August 15-20: Premier Draft Kaladesh Remastered (first entry free)
  • August 20-26: Premier Draft Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (first entry free)
  • August 24-September 9: Historic Brawl queue
  • August 26-October 14: Jumpstart: Historic Horizons

Read the original article from WotC.