Beginning January 17 at Theros Beyond Death Prerelease events, Magic players can get their hands on two Planeswalker Decks – Elspeth, Undaunted Hero and Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears.
Planeswalker Decks are designed to aid newer players in learning the game, and each deck includes four unique cards that aren’t available in traditional Draft Booster packs.
Eslpeth, Undaunted Hero
Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears
Each Theros Beyond Death Planeswalker deck contains 60 cards and are ready to play right out of the box. Check out the full contents of each deck below!
Editors Note: Some of the cards included in the decks have not been officially previewed yet, and therefore will not fetch a card image when hovered over within the decklist.
Creatures (23)
- 4 Leonin of the Lost Pride
- 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
- 2 Hero of the Winds
- 2 Archon of Falling Stars
- 1 Taranika, Akroan Veteran
- 3 Eidolon of Inspiration
- 2 Elspeth's Devotee
- 4 Sunlit Hoplite
- 4 Daybreak Chimera
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (25)
- 25 Plains
Spells (11)

Creatures (23)
- 2 Devourer of Memory
- 3 Towering-Wave Mystic
- 2 Pharika's Spawn
- 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death
- 1 Gravebreaker Lamia
- 3 Swimmer in Nightmares
- 4 Mindwrack Harpy
- 2 Ashiok's Forerunner
- 2 Elite Instructor
- 3 Underworld Charger
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (25)
- 12 Swamp
- 11 Island
- 2 Unknown Shores
Spells (11)

Theros Beyond Death releases January 24. Preorder Draft Booster boxes, Collectors Booster boxes, singles, and more today!