Calcano, Selesnya Company, Wins Insight Esports Historic Open

Christian Calcano takes down the Insight Esports Historic Open with Selesnya Company.

Elite Spellbinder, illustrated by Ryan Pancoast

Christian Calcano won the Insight Esports Historic Open with Selesnya Company on Saturday.

The longtime Pro Tour regular took down the double-elimination Open with Selesnya Company, a deck that grew in popularity after it took second in back-to-back Insight Esports Opens in the hands of Francisco Sanchez. Calcano finally gave the deck a trophy, defeating James Collier on Grixis Tainted Pact (Lurrus) in the finals. Collier was Calcano’s only loss in the event, but wasn’t able to defeat him twice to claim the title.

Calcano used the same main deck configuration Sanchez used to secure two solid finishes, but switched up the sideboard by going with Baffling End over Declaration in Stone, adding another Knight of Autumn and a copy of Elder Gargaroth instead of a third Shifting Ceratops and the third removal spell.

Collier was one of two Tainted Pact players finishing in the Top 8. The deck has similar success in the SCG Tour Online Strixhaven Qualifier on Sunday as well.

View the Top 8 decklists.