
Unfinished Art Used For Card In Upcoming Secret Lair Drop

Incorrect version of Seraph Sanctuary used in Artist Series: Alayna Danner Secret Lair

Seraph Sanctuary illustrated by Alayna Danner

Wizards of the Coast (WotC) found an error with the printing of a card in an upcoming Secret Lair drop.

The illustration for Seraph Sanctuary in the Artist Series: Alayna Danner Secret Lair drop features in-progress art and impacts both the foil and non-foil products. The version that will be included in the Secret Lair drop looks like the card below.

However, the finished art for the card can be seen here.

While WotC can’t correct the wrong version of the card going out with the scheduled drops, a fix has been agreed upon by the company and Danner. The card with the finalized art will be included as the “secret” card in a future Secret Lair product.

Read the original announcement from WotC.