The fourth instalment of the Murders at Karlov Manor story picks up with Kaya still in the Karlov manor, shocked by Teysa’s murder. After composing herself, Kaya appeals to the spirits of the manor, requesting to speak with Teysa’s ghost, but as expected, Teysa’s spirit does not respond to Kaya, and is instead greeted by the ghost of a Karlov manor staff member.
The spirit attendant tells Kaya that Teysa’s spirit is “not entertaining guests” at this time and refuses to elaborate on the status of the Guildmaster or her death. Changing directions, Kaya asks about the empty manor, to which the ghost tells her that Teysa gave the staff the day off in anticipation of their conversation. The spirit also assures Kaya that should the authorities suspect her of having murdered Teysa, the spirits of the house would proclaim her innocence.
Satisfied with their conversation, Kaya departs the manor and heads to the Agency. Upon arriving, she finds the staff in total chaos and Ezrim engrossed in a heated conversation with other staff members. Deciding to wait to confront Ezrim, Kaya instead locates Kellan who informs her that the Azorius have assumed authority on the Zegana case after discovering that Etrata had gone missing.

Kaya requests that Kellan take her to Ezrim, so that he could interrupt the meeting in her stead. After doing so, Kaya explains the situation with Teysa to Ezrim, who agrees to let her and Kellan lead the investigation. The Archon closes the conversation by requesting they start by investigating Judith of the Rakdos, and the pair sets off.
As Kellan and Kaya leave the agency, the ghost of Agrus Kos, a master investigator in life and death, manifests, having been sent by Aurelia and the Boros to aid however possible. Kaya and Kellan inform Kos of the situation at the manor, and he sets off to “haunt” the house.

Kaya and Kellan waste no further time and head off to find Judith. A short carriage ride later, the pair find themselves outside a Rakdos nightclub, frequented by Judith. After a typical Rakdos welcome involving a knife fight with the doorman, Kaya and Kellan are lead inside where they find Judith center stage (as always). Judith leads off by admitting that she and Teysa had had a disagreement the night of the party, however she had nothing to do with the death of Zegana, a fact which was cleared by the Azorius before she had left the party. Before Kaya has a chance to inform her of Teysa’s death, Judith tells the pair to go to the Vitu-Ghazi and read the original Guildpact there and that it would “clarify things.” Accepting that they wouldn’t get anymore information from Judith, the pair depart, headed for the Selesnya and the Vitu-Ghazi.
Read episode four in full from Wizards of the Coast.