Episode 2 of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction story picks up with Annie Flash getting up in the middle of the night and digging up her thunder rifle from an unmarked grave in her yard, determined to protect her town and its people from Oko, Akul, and whomever else might attack. She sets out toward Rustwood, the town that was home to the saloon from Oko’s matchbook calling card, on Fortune, her magical mount.

Rustwood appears abandoned, but when Annie enters the saloon she finds Tinybones, Malcolm, and Breeches horsing around. Oko materializes behind the bar and introduces Annie to them, all members of his crew. Oko takes Annie through the saloon, revealing other members of the team: Vraska, Eriette, Gisa, and Geralf. With the group assembled, Oko explains to Annie that the job he recruited her for was to rob Maag Taranau — the only structure on Thunder Junction that supposedly predated the Omenpaths. Annie responds by claiming Maag Taranau was a myth, but Ashiok, another revealed member of the team, insists that it is, in fact, very real.
Ashiok also tells Annie that Akul and the Hellspurs built a town, Tarnation, around the vault in hopes to control it, but lacked the missing key to retrieve the treasures inside it. Ashiok wants the treasure for theirself, but said everyone will be paid well for stealing it. Bertram Graywater, founder of the Sterling Company, was reported to be in possession of the key to the vault. The key is hid in the Sterling Company headquarters, which also houses a jail where other members of Oko’s gang were held as prisoners. The first step was to infiltrate the headquarters. With the first part of the plan outlined, Rakdos made his presence known as part of the crew.
Oko sneaks into the headquarters, located in Prosperity, by disguising himself as a courier with a package that happens to contain Tinybones. Oko hands the package to a secretary of the Sterling Company headquarters then shapeshifts into a guard while Annie and Eriette break into the building with a more destructive measure. Once inside, the witch puts a spell on some guards and the pair makes their way to prison cells after Eriette took the key from the guards. They find Satoru Umezawa and Kaervek, who appear to be at odds with one another, and set them free. Kaervek teams up with Annie and Eriette, but Umezawa ventures off to assist Oko.

Graywater’s office was empty, so Oko, Tinybones, and Umezawa were able to locate the safe, break it open with a special device belonging to Umezawa, take the sixth key, and leave the headquarters to little attention. Once back on the trail leading away from the headquarters, Oko and Tinybones (within the box) ran into Ral Zarek and Kellan. Kellan’s fae presence caused Oko to appear as normal, his illusion fading away instantly in his presence. Kellan lunges for Oko, but Oko wards him off as Tinybones assembles and attacks Ral. Oko shapeshifts into an eagle to get away, but the open air was to dangerous for flight, so he lands with Tinybones and prepares for a fight to buy time for the rest of the gang to intervene.
But Kellan doesn’t want a fight, instead he tells Oko he has been searching for him and that he thought Oko was his father, mentioning that his mother was Alyse. Oko knew it was true, but as he digests the new information he finds himself surrounded by Sterling Company guards. Kellan uses his magic to displace the guards with golden vine-shaped tentacles, allowing Ral to approach Oko. As he did, Oko’s crew arrived and the presence of Vraska — alive — shocked him. Before Ral can say much more, Rakdos flies down and knocks him out. Tinybones uses the chaos as an opportunity to steal a guard’s pocket watch and lands on Rakdos.

Malcolm tells the group they need to escape before more reinforcements show up, as it wouldn’t be long before Greywater notices the theft of his key. Oko tells them Kellan is coming with them and the crew acquiesces without argument. As they make their escape with the key, Oko processes the knowledge of having a son and comes to the conclusion that Kellan could be quite useful, especially after the young fae quickly turned on Ral.
Read Episode 2: The Jailbreak in full from Wizards of the Coast.