
FAB Heavy Hitters Previews Include Landmark Fable, Legendary Equipment, And Marvel Heroes

Take a look at the marquee cards you’ll want to open in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set

Deathmatch Arena illustrated by Anton Bezrukov

Flesh and Blood’s 12th expansion, Heavy Hitters, comes out February 2. The full set has been previewed, including five legendary cards, new marvel heroes, and more. Check out some eye-catching cards below.


The Fable from the set is a new Landmark — Deathmatch Arena.

Deathmatch Arena is the third Landmark to come to the game following Great Library of Solana from Monarch and Korshem, Crossroad of Elements from Tales of Aria. Deathmatch Arena is designed for Ultimate Pit Fight, the multiplayer format for Flesh and Blood, and allows heroes to attack any opposing hero (not just the ones to the left or right). It also rewards a hero for knocking out another hero by netting them Gold tokens equal to the number of heroes who started the game.


The five legendary cards in Heavy Hitters are all pieces of equipment.

Apex Bonebreaker is a solid piece of defensive Brute Arms equipment that cans also generate Might tokens. Aurum Aegis is Victor’s specialization, a Guardian Off-Hand equipment that counts as Gold and has Temper.

Balance of Justice is a new generic head piece with a new keyword, Guardwell. Gauntlets of Iron Will is a new take on Guardian Arms equipment that limits the amount of extra damage an attack can gain when it defends.

Lastly, Grains of Bloodspill offers Warriors a new Chest piece that lets you generate Vigor tokens when a weapon hits a hero.


Finally, the 10 marvels in the set are full-art cold foil versions of the young and adult versions of the new heroes from Heavy Hitters.

Heavy Hitters is schedule for release on February 2. If you’re going to Raise an Army with Kassai of the Golden Sand (both coming in Heavy Hitters) you’re going to need an army of Sellsword tokens. Preorder a booster case of Heavy Hitters from Star City Games to receive four (4) rainbow foil extended art Cintari Sellsword tokens while supplies last.

To get in on the Heavy Hitters action at a competitive level, plan to play in the Calling at SCG CON Hartford on February 3-4. The format is Heavy Hitters Limited, with PTIs, promo cards, and prize money on the line.