
AuthorZac Hill

Zac Hill is a former member of Wizards of the Coast R&D. He worked there for three full years before deciding to move onto The Future Project as Chief Operating Officer in NYC. He also teaches, writes for the Huffington Post and The Believer, was a Luce Scholar in Malaysia, and authors poetry and short stories.

Chatter of the Squirrel — Two-Headed Thinking

Two-Headed Giant… the format that divides opinion like no other! While some folk can’t get enough of its team-tastic goodness, other players read the phrase “2HG” and die a little inside. Today’s Chatter of the Squirrel breaks down the core strategies of the format into manageable chunks, and lays bare the information you’ll need in order to capture that elusive Blue Envelope.

Chatter of the Squirrel — Giddy

Today’s Chatter of the Squirrel touches on a number of topics. He looks at Frank Karsten’s deck from Pro Tour: Yokohama, which makes him a little giddy. He examines the Mono-Red Block deck in relation to the framework he laid down in last week’s article. He revisits old ground, speaks him mind, and clarifies his position re: entitlement. Zac Hill… fun for all the family!

Chatter of the Squirrel — Breaking a Format: The Lessons of White Weenie in Time Spiral Block Constructed

With the Time Spiral Block Constructed Pro Tour mere hours away, Zac attempts to analyze the key variables of the format, looking to formulate a blueprint with which to break the format. By examining the things that TSP Block’s White Weenie decks do so well, he successfully dismantles the format into manageable chunks. This is a fine, thought-provoking article, and one that will definitely improve your deckbuilding skills.

Chatter of the Squirrel – Dumb Mistakes

After a weekend failure at a Two-Headed Giant PTQ, Zac Hill is in a remarkably reflective mood. By analysing the form of two distinct mistakes – one in the PTQ, the other in a Legacy Grand Prix Trial – he examines the nature of decision-making itself. How do the puzzle pieces fit together, and where in the grand scheme do you place yourself? All this, plus a B/U/R Control decklist for Time Spiral Block Constructed!

Chatter of the Squirrel — Block Party

After a fubar with article content last week, Zac returns with a look at two interesting Time Spiral Block Constructed decks that are ready to rock the format! He brings us the lowdown on the Defining Cards of the Format, and helps prepare us for the Little Constructed Season That Could.

Chatter of the Squirrel — Extended Retrospective

Having pummeled the format into submission with Tenacious Tron (and Richard Feldman), Zac takes a look back over the recently-departed Extended season, and asks just what it was that made the format so damned fun. He breaks down the essential components required to make a Constructive format zing, and explains to the masses just why he hates Block Constructed.

Chatter of the Squirrel — One More Shot

In a final attempt to qualify for Pro Tour: Yokohama, Zac brings us a deck of his own design that may just have the legs to take him all the way. Considering his last Extended offering was Tenacious Tron, a deck that went on to shape the metagame, then maybe Zac his deck will be the Last Man Standing at his approaching PTQ…

Chatter of the Squirrel — Because I’m Worth It

In today’s Chatter of the Squirrel, Zac ponders the reasons behind our belief that we somehow “deserve” to win certain games, matchups, and tournaments. He denounces the “logic” behind such perverse conclusions, and posits the theory that, to truly excel at this game, one must ignore such idiocy to break through to the next level.

Chatter of the Squirrel — Cephalid Breakfast 2007

With one Extended PTQ left for poor Zac, he’s furiously attempting to break the format in time to win a precious blue envelope. Today’s article brings us an interesting combo deck that has, and I quote, “the fastest goldfish in Extended.” Does Cephalid Breakfast have the requisite plums to swing with the Big Dogs in this furious environment?

Chatter of the Squirrel — Pimp My Lounge

Today I’m going to talk about one of the elements that has come to define many aspects of the Pro Tour experience, and indeed in many ways can make or break people’s general perception of how a Pro Tour is run. I’m talking, of course, about the Lounge…

Chatter of the Squirrel — Examining Extended

After failing to make Day 2 at Pro Tour: Geneva, Zac returns to the Constructed game, with an eye on qualification for Yokohama. Today’s Chatter of the Squirrel concludes the Razormane Masticore / Triskelavus debate, and takes a fresh look at a couple of powerful Extended decks that have posted Top 8 results.

Chatter of the Squirrel – Innovating Boros in Extended

This is my baby Boros, which I like for several reasons. It’s largely based on Pat Sullivan’s California PTQ list, as well as some standard Tsuyoshi Fujita principles for building aggressive decks. It’s designed for a metagame where Tron, TEPS, Aggro-Loam, and Flow comprise about sixty percent of the field, with the ten or so other mainstream Tier 2 strategies rounding out the other forty.

Chatter of the Squirrel – Tenacious Tron Two

On Monday, Richard Feldman brought us Tenacious Tron, a U/W Tron deck both he and Zac took to excellent finishes at a recent PTQ. Richard shared the development and game-plan of the deck. Today, Zac brings us the matchup and sideboarding data. They think they’ve broken the format… do you agree?

Chatter of the Squirrel – A Glance At Planar Chaos

I know. I said I wouldn’t be writing this week. But hide those party hats in a hurry, boys, because that’s my (very ugly and outdated and The Monkees’d) mug sketchily leering at you in that Thursday column slot once again.

Like everyone else, I want to talk about Planar Chaos.

Chatter of the Squirrel – Extended Musings

Apparently, I am one of the lucky ones to have shotgunned a position for a weekly in time to actually get one. While in many ways this is akin to saying, “I’m one of the lucky ones to have shotgunned a position in the eighth-annual Beale Street Bleach Drinking Extravaganza,” it does mean that at least until I resume my usual slacklerly tendencies (which will probably be in and around Tuesday of next week) I get to wax melodramatic about the present Extended season.