
AuthorYo! MTG Taps

Yo! MTG Taps! is a Magic: The Gathering podcast hosted by Joey Pasco and Joe "Bigheadjoe" Panuska. We discuss the latest news, spoilers, deck tech and recent tournaments, focusing mostly on Standard.

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 69 – Casual Friday

This week, the guys take a break from the competitive grind to take a look at the more casual side of the game. Bigheadjoe is joined by Adam Styborski to discuss the Community Cube project and the new Commander products (available today!).

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 68 – Err & Foresight

Did R&D make a mistake in allowing the pieces to come together to create the current Standard? Joey and Bigheadjoe discuss the results of the SCG Invitational… listen in!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 67 – Romancing The Stoneblade

Joey and Bigheadjoe talk about the latest news on M12 and the newly unveiled “Modern” format, discuss the reactions to last week’s episode, and go over the results of Grand Prix Providence!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 67 – Romancing The Stoneblade

Joey and Bigheadjoe talk about the latest news on M12 and the newly unveiled “Modern” format, discuss the reactions to last week’s episode, and go over the results of Grand Prix Providence!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 66 Parts 1 & 2 Featuring Michael J. Flores

The guys are joined by Michael J. Flores to talk about why Splinter Twin Combo will eventually dethrone Caw-Blade as Standard’s best deck and why the current Standard format is potentially the best in Magic’s history. Be sure to download both parts!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 66 Parts 1 & 2 Featuring Michael J. Flores

The guys are joined by Michael J. Flores to talk about why Splinter Twin Combo will eventually dethrone Caw-Blade as Standard’s best deck and why the current Standard format is potentially the best in Magic’s history. Be sure to download both parts!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 66 Parts 1 & 2 Featuring Michael J. Flores

The guys are joined by Michael J. Flores to talk about why Splinter Twin Combo will eventually dethrone Caw-Blade as Standard’s best deck and why the current Standard format is potentially the best in Magic’s history. Be sure to download both parts!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 65 – A Beautiful Mindslaver

Bigheadjoe is joined by the Mothership’s Adam Styborski for some serious fun as they discuss their experiences at the New Phyrexia Prereleases and share some rogue ideas for Legacy, Standard, Commander, and Pauper Cube.

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 65 – A Beautiful Mindslaver

Bigheadjoe is joined by the Mothership’s Adam Styborski for some serious fun as they discuss their experiences at the New Phyrexia Prereleases and share some rogue ideas for Legacy, Standard, Commander, and Pauper Cube.

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 64 – Badder Batterskull Feat. Spruke

Joey and Bigheadjoe are joined by Bill Boulden, aka Spruke, of Tha Gatherin’ to discuss his musical collaboration with Patrick Chapin coming out on Monday May 9, and more.

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 64 – Badder Batterskull Feat. Spruke

Joey and Bigheadjoe are joined by Bill Boulden, aka Spruke, of Tha Gatherin’ to discuss his musical collaboration with Patrick Chapin coming out on Monday May 9, and more.

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 63 – Oh My Godbook

Friday, April 29 – Joey and Bigheadjoe discuss the pros and cons of early spoilers, and then talk about their favorite cards from the recently-leaked New Phyrexia. Find out what the guys are most excited to play with and why!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 63 – Oh My Godbook

Friday, April 29 – Joey and Bigheadjoe discuss the pros and cons of early spoilers, and then talk about their favorite cards from the recently-leaked New Phyrexia. Find out what the guys are most excited to play with and why!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 58 – A Storm Of Swords

Friday, March 11 – Joey and Bigheadjoe go over the results of SCG Open: DC and SCG Open: Edison and analyze the current Standard metagame. Then, the guys discuss why they have their sights set on breaking into the Legacy format!

Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 57 – Three. Dudes. Seriously.

Friday, February 25 – Joey and BHJ are joined by Mister Orange himself, Evan Erwin, to discuss the post-Paris Standard metagame going into this weekend’s StarCityGames.com Open in Washington, DC!