AuthorTodd Anderson

Todd Anderson has been a competitive Magic fixture for well over a decade, dominating The SCG Tour® with an astounding record 32 Top 8 appearances, including six wins. From his Pro Tour runs to his four Grand Prix Top 8s to his runner-up showing at the 2015 Players' Championship, Todd is one of the most dangerous opponents in the game.

What’s The Modern Deck To Beat Heading Into MTG Las Vegas?

Is there a deck to beat in Modern heading into MTG Las Vegas? Special guest Devon “d00mwake” O’Donnell and five of SCG’s best share their weapon of choice for the weekend.

Why Orzhov Midrange❄ Is Making Waves In Innistrad: Crimson Vow Standard

Orzhov Midrange❄ claimed a surprise victory this past weekend. Is midrange truly back in Innistrad: Crimson Vow Standard? Todd Anderson investigates.

My Two Picks For Week 1 Of Innistrad: Crimson Vow Standard Are…

Todd Anderson sees two creatures rising above the rest of Innistrad: Crimson Vow for Standard. What has he built around these powerful MTG cards?

Manaform Hellkite Is The Upgrade Izzet Dragons Has Been Looking For

Is Manaform Hellkite Standard’s next great Dragon? Todd Anderson explores the Innistrad: Crimson Vow preview’s possibilities for the MTG Arena ladder.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Exit Interview: Modern

The Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Exit Interviews conclude with Modern. Faithful Mending is the consensus best card…but who missed it completely the first time around?

Why I’m Bringing Mono-Green Aggro❄ And Four-Color Cascade (Yorion) To The SCG Invitational

Todd Anderson has locked in his decks for the SCG Invitational at SCG CON. See why he chose to beat down with big green creatures in two formats, with two decks that seem worlds apart.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Exit Interview: Pioneer

Did our SCG creators call Innistrad: Midnight Hunt’s impact on Pioneer MTG or what? They look back at their First Impressions and remake their Top 5s for the latest Exit Interview.

Is Orzhov Hammer’s Time Up In Modern At The SCG Invitational?

Is it time to drop the (Colossus) Hammer for the Modern MTG rounds at the SCG Invitational at SCG CON? Five of our authors say what they’d play.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Exit Interview: Historic

Six SCG creators revisit their first impressions of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Historic, sharing their hits, misses, and surprise breakout cards.

Can Anything Topple Izzet Dragons In Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard At The SCG Invitational?

With the SCG Invitational and SCG CON this weekend, what is the Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard deck to play? Eight SCG creators share their lists.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Exit Interview: Standard

With a new MTG set on the horizon, it’s time to look back at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. Nine SCG creators rank the top cards of the set…and look back at their First Impressions.

Tips And Tricks For Temur Crashcade In Modern

Cascade decks: MTG as Richard Garfield intended. Todd Anderson talks Temur Crashcade in Modern and the best ways to use its key cards.

How Yuta Takahashi Won Magic World Championship XXVII With Izzet Dragons

Todd Anderson breaks down new MTG World Champion Yuta Takahashi’s Izzet Dragons deck for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard. What makes the deck (and the man) so special to him?

Is Izzet Dragons Now The Deck To Beat In Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard?

With the World Championship XXVII results in, what’s the deck to play in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard? Worlds competitor PVDDR and four more SCG creators share their picks.

The Case Against Banning Alrund’s Epiphany In Standard

Earlier this week, Ross Merriam stated his case why it’s time for Alrund’s Epiphany to leave Standard. Today. Todd Anderson fights back on the sorcery’s behalf.