AuthorTim Pskowski

Tim Pskowski won the Standard Open in Cincinnati 2011 with Caw-Blade (post-banning, post-M12).

The Basics Of Cube Drafting

SCG Standard Open: Cincinnati winner Tim Pskowski goes over the basics of Cube Draft for those of you who are new to drafting cubes or even experienced cube drafters.

Getting Poisoned For Fun And Profit – SCG Richmond Legacy Open *2nd*

Tim Pskowski battled his way to 2nd place in the Legacy Open last weekend. His decks for both Standard and Legacy lie within, and he recommends both of them for Boston this weekend.

Own Your Mistakes

Tim Pskowski takes a good look at all the things he could’ve done to improve his chances at Pittsburgh. Learn from this man! He made these mistakes so you don’t have to.

Resurrecting The Bogeyman, Part 2 *1st With Caw-Blade*

Tim Pskowski’s epic tournament report, filled with good beats, a sideboarding guide for Caw-Blade, and more, cannot be missed. Make sure to read Parts 1 and 2 for the full lowdown on Caw-Blade and its new face.

Resurrecting The Bogeyman, Part 1 *1st With Caw-Blade*

Tim Pskowski won the Standard Open in Cincinnati last weekend with an old baddie made new, Caw-Blade! See how this archetype has been updated for New Standard and still winning the race.