Split Second: March 30th, 2017
The new Amonkhet Aven Mindcensor, Massive Magic cards, and LLR’s study of Kaladesh’s inspiration! This is Split Second!
The new Amonkhet Aven Mindcensor, Massive Magic cards, and LLR’s study of Kaladesh’s inspiration! This is Split Second!
Amonkhet Invocations and Mechanics revealed, and the Magic Art Show needs your help!
Make sure to update your Wizards account, the tragedy of Nicol Bolas the wise, and Nahiri gets a job!
Possible Amonkhet card leaked, GP weekend results, and Mind vs Might decklists revealed!
Modern Masters 2017 box openings, a draft guide from The Mana Source, and “Seance guy” makes a return!
Original Magic Art has a Modern Masters reprint rumble, The Professor grades MM2017, and The Command Zone has a special guest!
Changes to MTGO prize payouts, Magic Story podcast with Ari Levitch, and return to Dominaria theories with Aether Hub.
Reactions to the B&R update, New Judge Promos, & #mtgdogs
The Magic Show talks 2018 GP changes and Duel Decks: Mind vs Might Packaging revealed!
The future of Grand Prix events, keeping track of your DCI number, and The Professor reviews John Avon Sleeves.
Announcement Day revealed, Alison Luhrs talks about Magic Story, and The Command Zone discusses the creative process.
Modern Masters 2017 financial advice from Chas Andres and Rogue Deckbuilder, LSV goes over the Modern metagame, and TheMagicManSam dives into the art of Nils Hamm.
A new Team Constructed Open on the schedule, and results from the Magic Online Championship!
Modern Masters 2017 rarity downgrades, a look behind the scenes, and Modern Cube comes to MTGO.