Sheldon Menery

AuthorSheldon Menery

Magic Judge Hall of Famer Sheldon Menery was one of the most influential judges in the history of the game. He pioneered Commander and was a founding member of the Commander Rules Committee. After a seven-year battle with cancer, Sheldon passed away in 2023, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and respect, turning acquaintances into friends, and friends into family. “I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends.” - William Shakespeare, Richard II

The Egg And Dragon Variant

Sheldon introduces the Egg and Dragon variant of Commander, chronicling from the initial idea to the final draft. Give it a whirl and let him know how it goes!

The Problem Of Going Tutorless

Sheldon explores the idea of trying to go tutorless for the next Armada Games EDH League, sketching out the problems and coming up with possible solutions.

Continuing The Chromatic: Melek, Izzet Paragon – You Decide

In this Continuing The Chromatic, Sheldon presents you with two versions of Melek, Izzet Paragon that he needs help deciding between. Speak up and be heard!

What Makes Commander Fun

In this week’s article, Sheldon breaks down the reasons why he thinks Commander is the most popular casual format in Magic.

Post-M14 Deck Changes

This week Sheldon takes you through the changes he made to his 23 Commander decks following the release of Magic 2014.

My Hall Of Fame Ballot

Sheldon shares his Hall of Fame ballot for this year and presents an argument for why players aren’t the only ones who deserve to be considered for the Hall.

Commander M14 Set Review

Check out Sheldon’s review of Magic 2014 for Commander and find out how he thinks the new set will impact the format!

The Philosophy Of Being Second Best

Sheldon has spoken many times about the benefits of pacing yourself to be the second-biggest threat at the table. Presenting: The Philosophy of Second Best!

Player’s Guide To Ruhan

If watching other people punch themselves whenever they try to hurt you is your style of play, does Sheldon ever have the deck for you!

Gnikrow: Working Backwards

Sheldon was off doing coverage of Grand Prix Las Vegas last weekend, so fellow Rules Committee member Alex Kenny sits in for him.

What’s In A Metagame?

Sheldon talks about how Commander metagames develop and the differences between them and other formats with examples from his local environment.

Continuing The Chromatic: Ruric Thar, The Unbowed

Sheldon tells you about the process he went through to build his R/G Commander deck in another step on his quest to make a deck of each color combination.

You Asked For It: Animar Play-By-Play

As promised, Sheldon goes through a play-by-play with his Animar, Soul of Elements Commander deck and shares his Lavinia of the Tenth decklist.

Dear Azami #102: Lavinia

This week Sheldon does a guest spot on Dear Azami. He provides some suggestions to help make a reader’s Lavinia of the Tenth deck more casual.

M14 Rules Change Impact

Sheldon talks about how the Magic 2014 rules changes will impact Commander, from the basics with examples to how clones and other cards will be affected.