AuthorRoss Merriam

Ross Merriam has been a fixture on the SCG Tour since 2012 and is one of its most decorated players with over twenty top 8s. He currently serves as the beardliest member of Team BCW and a content creator for, focusing on the Modern format as well as Magic fundamentals and theory designed to help you elevate your game.

Manabases In Battle For Zendikar Standard

We may not know very much yet about Battle For Zendikar, but we do already know that the mana we can access in this new Standard format will look very different than it does today. Ross Merriam breaks it down to get a sense of what lies ahead for us.

Lessons From Eternal Weekend

Ross Merriam takes a look at his weekend playing Standard at the WMCQ as well as some Legacy on the side as he prepares for the Season Three Invitational this weekend!

This Is Getting Ridiculous

Who knew the grind could be such a grind? Standard right now commands us to find the next week’s best deck or find ourselves in the loser’s bracket, and Ross takes a look at where we find ourselves today in order to figure out where we want to be tomorrow.

The Legacy Treat

Ross Merriam begins his Season Three Invitational preparation by examining the current Legacy metagame, breaking down the top decks from #SCGDC this past weekend to understand the format’s positioning and pick the right deck.

Team And Individual Reflections From Pro Tour Magic Origins

While Ross Merriam might have hoped for better results at #PTOrigins, he looks back to reflect on what inputs at the team level resulted in the output of the finishes he and his teammates attained at the event.

Reacting To SCG Chicago

Hot off of a semifinals appearance at #SCGSCHI, Ross Merriam examines how the Week One Standard metagame matched his expectations and what he thinks are the top decks at the moment.

Reassessing My Pro Tour Goals

The game outside of the game is much harder to metagame, and Ross breaks down the many-layered steps that go into properly preparing for a split-format Pro Tour and the tensions that can be found between them.

A Post-Origins Gauntlet

The key to figuring out any new format is establishing a baseline, and the best way to do that is to build the format’s gauntlet. Ross does exactly that for Magic Origins Standard so you can run your decks through their paces!

Christmas In July

Magic Origins is turning out to be a real deckbuilder’s paradise, and Ross Merriam builds around some of the key cards that have caught his attention.

The Art Of Self-Evaluation

What is the difference between a good play and a bad one? The answer to that question is far more than just “and then I won,” and being critical of your past plays so you make better ones in the future is a key skill among the best players.

Flippin’ Walkers

Ross is excited about Magic Origins, and he begins his exploration of its Standard ramifications by trying to find homes for two of the set’s signature planeswalkers, Gideon Jura and Liliana Vess.

A Twin Epiphany In Columbus

Ross Merriam has a lot of experience with Splinter Twin decks in Modern, so he didn’t really expect to learn something new when he picked up Grixis Twin for the Season Two Invitational. What he learned surprised him, and he shares his insights in time for Grand Prix Charlotte.

Fighting Kolaghan’s Command

Kolaghan’s Command has had unforeseen consequences on the Modern metagame as we approach #SCGINVI and Grand Prix Charlotte. Ross Merriam tells you how to join it or fight it on tournament day!

What If?

Ross Merriam looks back on a number of mistakes he’s made in tournament Magic and uses those experiences to give you some very important life advice!

What You Should Play At SCG Worcester

Ross Merriam has played the Legacy format for years, and he’s super excited about #SCGWOR this weekend! So excited, in fact, that he’s giving you a guide to assist in your deck selection based on your play style!