
AuthorRoss Merriam

Ross Merriam has been a fixture on the SCG Tour since 2012 and is one of its most decorated players with over twenty top 8s. He currently serves as the beardliest member of Team BCW and a content creator for StarCityGames.com, focusing on the Modern format as well as Magic fundamentals and theory designed to help you elevate your game.

The Importance Of Communication

Ross Merriam is cranking out some excellent think pieces on Magic fundamentals, and this is no exception. Read about the importance of conveying information within the game to your friends, your teammates, and yourself.

Ross VS. Majors: U/R Twin VS. U/R Eldrazi

Splinter Twin may be banned, but there’s a ton of speculation out there on whether it’s too good for the format as now know it. Ross and Michael just had to find out how the old guard stands up to the new in this special edition of Ross VS. Majors!


Ross Merriam, forever on the cusp of the perpetual breakthrough, recaps his difficult showing at Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch and reflects on the reasons competitive Magic keeps us coming back for more.

Ross VS. Majors: Temur Prowess VS. B/W Eldrazi

The Select VS Series guys are pumped for #SCGRegionals and #PTOGW! Modern is the name of the game, and they’re trying out some sweet ones for you this week!

Looking Forward To #PTOGW And #SCGRegionals

Modern is on everyone’s minds for #SCGRegionals and #PTOGW this weekend, especially Pro Tour competitor and SCG Tour® veteran Ross Merriam. See him breakdown the format before your big Modern weekend!

Fact Or Fiction: #SCGRegionals, #PTOGW, And Four-Color Rally

How good is Four-Color Rally? What card do you need to take it down with any reliability? Which decks will shape #SCGRegionals and #PTOGW? Michael Majors and Ross Merriam provide the perspectives, and you provide the winner!

Ross VS. Majors: Abzan Company VS. Bant Ramp

The wait for #SCGCOL is over! Ross Merriam and Michael Majors are excited for the latest Standard weekend, and they’re showing off a few decks with a strong chance at an SCG Tour® trophy!

The State Of U/R Prowess

Ross Merriam has been on U/R Prowess since spoiler season ended! So what does he think of the deck now? Ross brings you the update on the archetype. Will it survive another weekend at #SCGCOL?

Ross VS. Majors: U/R Prowess VS. Four-Color Rally

These decks are rumored to be two of the biggest contenders for #SCGATL this weekend! Ross Merriam and Michael Majors clash in order to see which deck is the better tournament choice!

Prowess For Fun And Profit At #SCGATL

There’s no denying that prowess creatures are powerful things when you’re playing tempo-oriented Magic, which is exactly what Ross Merriam is planning to do at #SCGATL! He shows you the way to keep your opponent off balance in Oath of the Gatewatch Standard!

Fact Or Fiction: A Banner Week For Modern

These two Select staples are ready to debate! The hot topics are the bannings, the Eldrazi, and the lack of unbannings in Modern! Whose side are you on?

Ross VS. Majors: Bant Hardened Scales VS. Jeskai Black

The Select VS Video Series returns this week with another installment from up-and-coming Magic stars Ross Merriam and Michael Majors! Who are you rooting for in this week’s clash?

The Latest In Oath Of The Gatewatch Standard Tech

Ross Merriam has had continued success because of the way he analyzes and understands formats. So what does he think will come out of the woodwork next weekend at #SCGATL? He has provided both thoughts and decklists here!

Demonic Jeskai And Avoiding Draws

Ross Merriam had a respectable finish at the Standard Classic last weekend, but few know just how crazy the story behind his deck was! Ross gives you the details and teaches you some tricks to avoiding draws at the #SCGCHAR Standard Classic!

Solving Goblin Dark-Dwellers

Ross Merriam is the latest in a long line of great players that think there may be something to this brand new Oath of the Gatewatch rare! What sort of decks would a pro like Ross frame the Dark-Dwellers with? Find out here!