
AuthorRichard Feldman

Richard is the most eloquent of a group of up-and-coming Magic players from St. Louis. He is known for high-level theorizing and putting new spins on popular archetypes.

Deep Analysis – Ten Hollywood Decks (Plus a New One)

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, May 27th – As the Pro Tour plays havoc with our schedule, Richard Feldman shifts forward from Thursday to bring us the lowdown on the Top 8 Standard decks from Hollywood. He also cogitates on the format as a whole, and brings a fresh decklist looking to position itself in the evolving metagame.

Deep Analysis – Pro Tour: Mars City Report – *1st*

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, May 22nd – Richard Feldman is on a mission. What mission, you ask? Break Standard the day before the Pro Tour? Build a mechanical suit that can fly? Parody as many Star City writers as possible in one article? He only had time to complete one of these missions…read on to find out which one.

Deep Analysis – Tuning The Siege

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, May 15th – Last week, Richard ended his article with a midrange beatdown deck for Standard, called The Siege. It stirred up discussion in the forums, and so today Richard takes a closer look at the design and tunes up the list based on advice and ideas accumulated over the past seven days…

Deep Analysis – Power Red, Speed Red, and The Siege

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, May 8th – In the never-ending quest for fresh Standard decks, Richard Feldman takes a leaf out of the Chapin Playbook today and tries some “innovative” builds of Red Deck Wins. He also revisits an old favorite, pumping in a fresh angle and some new cards… with surprising and exciting results.

Deep Analysis – How to Think

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, May 1st – Advice in Magic can come from the most unexpected of places. We all read articles, and we all listen to folk we perceive to be better than us… but how can we truly judge the quality and usefulness of such information? Richard Feldman is here to help us remove the cloud of woolly thinking and arm us with laser-guided clarity. Intrigued? Then read on!

Deep Analysis – Four Ways to Skin a Goblin

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, April 24th – The official Shadowmoor release is mere days away, and with it comes a Bright and Shiny new metagame for Standard. While it seems Bitterblossom is still the card (and strategy) to beat, one of Magic’s oldest tribes gets a much-needed shot in the arm… Are the dreaded Goblins back, and do they have what it takes to bring down the Tier 1 decks?

Deep Analysis – Taking on the Best Deck

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, April 17th – Last week, Richard tuned his innovative Spectral Visions deck in order to gain ground in the awful Red matchup. Today, he throws the deck against the toughest deck in the metagame: U/B Faeries. Will the tempo beats from Bitterblossom and Scion of Oona bring down Spectral Force and friends? Read on to find out!

Deep Analysis – The Evolution of Spectral Visions

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, April 10th – In this week’s illuminating Deep Analysis, Richard Feldman continues his exploration of deck design. He finally takes mammoth strides toward improving the tricky Red matchup, and his changes to both the board and maindeck are backed with comprehensive testing results. He’s even settled on a name for his creation…

Deep Analysis – Rapid Prototyping

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, April 3rd – Tournaments come and tournaments go, but one thing always remains the same: we never have enough time to fully prepare. Today’s Deep Analysis sees Richard Feldman explore some of the techniques employed to help manage our time wisely. By using and developing his U/G strategy from last week, he shows us deck design in action.

Deep Analysis – Hatching a Deck in Standard

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, March 27th – One of the most potent units of Magical currency is the decklist. While a lot of us are content to sleeve up winning creations built by others, the actual act of deck creation is where true riches can be found. Today, Richard takes us behind the counter and walks us through his deck creation thought process step by step… and gives us a promising Standard decklist into the bargain!

Deep Analysis – Implementing Strategies

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!Thursday, March 20th – In Magic, there exists a gap in results between a strategy that you come up with in theory and the way you implement it in practice. In today’s Deep Analysis, Richard Feldman looks at some of the more off-the-wall strategies in the modern Extended metagame, and explains why they work even if they look rather strange on paper…

Deep Analysis – Dredge versus Vancouver

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!Thursday, March 13th – The Extended PTQ season is beginning to wind down… but there are still PTQs to attend, and slots to be won! This coming weekend, Richard Feldman gets to play in his first PTQ of the season. In preparation, today’s Deep Analysis contains detailed play-by-play matches that pitch his chosen deck – Dredge – against the great and good from Grand Prix: Vancouver.

Deep Analysis – Enduring Ideal Indeed

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, March 6th – Both Dredge and Enduring Ideal have been under fire from hate since the beginning of this PTQ season. While Dredge is still largely under fire, it seems the Ideal hate has dimmed in comparison. Today’s Deep Analysis sees Richard Feldman examining options available to the Ideal pilot. He asks whether the metagame is right for the deck… is it the ideal time for Ideal?

Deep Analysis – Taking In a Top 8

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, February 28th – The results from Grand Prix: Vancouver are in… and the Top 8 decks are a genuine shock to the metagame. Blue/Green Tron, TEPS, Previous Level Blue… and no Doran or Dredge decks?! For those of us slogging it out at the PTQ, what exactly does this Top 8 mean to the local metagame scene? Richard takes us through the ins and outs of processing Top 8 results…

Deep Analysis – Turning Outplay, Misplay, and Mastery into Results

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, February 21st – Improvement in Magic is a tricky thing to quantify. Sure, we can “outplay” our opponents… but what exactly does that mean? And how does our “outplaying” an opponent lead to tangible winning records? Richard breaks down the theory, and shows us how we can play smart in order to pick up those all-important ticks in the win column.