
AuthorRich Hagon

Richard Hagon is a freelance composer of music for radio, film and TV, a comedian, actor, musician, singer, writer and general multi-purpose walking talking entertainment system. He started playing Magic during Tempest, and has stumbled his way to various Pro Tour Qualifier victories. Harmless and allegedly humorous, he divides his time between Magic and entertainment, and as the host of moxradio he will be delivering coverage throughout 2007 as part of the Event Coverage Team.

Removed From Game – The Five Color Conundrum

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, February 17th – Last week, Rich looked into the nuts and bolts of mana fixing available for Shards-Conflux Limited play. With Grand Prix: Rotterdam kicking off the European Grand Prix season this weekend, and with Shards-Conflux Draft in the spotlight for Pro Tour: Kyoto just a week later, how much value does the full rainbow strategy represent? Click here to find out.

Removed From Game – Mana Options in Limited Play

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, February 11th – With Sealed now running to six boosters, and Domain back in our decks, the temptation to play all five colors can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive article, Rich looks at the mana options that are available in the current Limited environment, weighing up the costs involved and finding the good, the bad, and the ugly in a quest to end up with a deck that’s (at least mostly) somewhere over the rainbow.

Removed From Game – Reading Your Conflux Spoiler

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, February 3rd – With the Prerelease weekend now under our belts, it’s time to study all those juicy new cards very carefully. Rich won’t tell you which cards are good – he’ll leave that to the experts – but he will tell you how to go about separating the wheat from the chaff, using a wide variety of techniques that will help all of you aspiring to get to the Pro Tour.

Removed From Game – The Shuuhei Nakamura Story: The Ascent Continues

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, January 20th – Just like The Empire Strikes Back, the path to victory is strewn with pitfalls, as our study of the 2008 Player of the Year Shuuhei Nakamura continues. Featuring debut performances at Worlds and the Pro Tour Top 8, this article also includes statistics on his head-to-head records against many of the game’s leading lights.

Removed From Game – The Shuuhei Nakamura Story, Part 1

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, January 13th – With unprecedented access to every sanctioned result across a decade of Magical excellence, Rich brings us the first of a new series profiling the newly-crowned Player of the Year, Japan’s Shuuhei Nakamura. Part 1 covers 1998-2002, and includes multiple near-misses, some fabulous decks, and his first steps into the Top 8 spotlight.

Removed From Game – Worlds Report Card Part 1

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, December 31st – From A to K, the Worlds scoresheet gets the familiar RH treatment. Who were the movers and shakers when it came to the crunch? Who excelled in Extended, scored in Standard, and delivered in Draft? Who got the easy schedules and who destroyed the heavy-hitters? It’s all here, with the rest of the best coming soon!

Removed From Game – World Championship Preview

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, December 9th – You know that Worlds 2008 is happening this week in Memphis. You know that you’re reading this before it happens. And you know that Rich is going to tell you what might happen, why it might happen, and then ridiculously predict what actually will happen. That’s why they call it a Preview.

Removed From Game – You Really Did Name The Baby

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, December 3rd – When last we left them, Zap and Willow Titania Hagon were busy contemplating staying in the womb forever, or at least until the StarCityGames.com readership could come up with a better name for them. Now Odyssey through to Shards and beyond lead us to the final choice, before Rich’s Missus threatens him with a rolling pin, and they call the baby Billy, after her great-great-grandad. Still, just in case…

Removed From Game – YOU Name The Baby

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, November 26th – At last, the wait is over. An article so original that Rich personally guarantees that this particular contest has never happened before. Probably. Bringing you an insight into the hideous complexity of finding names for Magic cards, Rich invites you to try your hand at Naming The Baby. Yes, the Hagon brand is set to release a new expansion next Summer, and we want you to find the perfect Magic name for Hagonling Number 2. Simply agree with Rich’s choice, and you get to Name The Baby! (Terms and Conditions apply.)

Removed From Game – Inside the Intro Packs

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, November 19th – Following last week’s backward look at the Theme Decks of old, this week sees shiny wrappings being unwrapped as the Intro Packs take center stage. Is this the missing piece in the quest to find the ultimate teaching tool that’s great for beginners to learn from, and yet won’t drive experienced players mad?