AuthorPaulo Vitor Damo da Rosa

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa is widely regarded as one of the best five players to ever play the game. He's a Hall of Famer with twelve Pro Tour Top 8s, including two wins - PT San Juan in 2010 and PT Kyoto in 2017. He was the 2017 Player of the Year and is currently a member of the Magic Pro League.

Introducing Gruul Werewolves To Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard

Do Werewolves have a hope of competing in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard? World Champion PVDDR shares his thoughts and latest list.

Smoldering Egg Is Magic’s Newest Thing In The Ice

Smoldering Egg evokes Thing in the Ice, but will it transform Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard? MTG World Champion PVDDR offers his thoughts and two decklists.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt First Impressions: Historic

The Innistrad: Midnight Hunt First Impressions continue as the SCG Staff give their takes on the latest MTG set’s top cards for Historic.

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt First Impressions: Standard

With all of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt revealed, the SCG creators give their first impressions of the set for Standard MTG. Which cards rose to the top of the rankings?

Ranking Innistrad: Midnight Hunt’s Adversary Cycle From Worst To First

MTG World Champion PVDDR has his eyes on the Adversary cycle from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. He ranks them and builds a Standard deck for each.

Can Anything Stop Jeskai Control In This Weekend’s Historic Arena Open?

What’s the Historic deck to beat after the release of Jumpstart: Historic Horizons? MTG World Champion PVDDR and four more say what they’d play.

Two Bodies For Two Mana: How To Use Jadar, Ghoulcaller Of Nephalia

World Champion PVDDR offers early thoughts on how to use Innistrad: Midnight Hunt preview Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia in the upcoming Standard format.

Everything I Know About Sultai Ramp (Yorion) In AFR Standard

Magic World Champion PVDDR goes deep on Sultai Ramp (Yorion) in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard, from card choices to sideboarding.

Combing Through Last Weekend’s Challenge Gauntlet Results

The Challenger Gauntlet put up some big surprises for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard. World Champion PVDDR analyzes what his future competition played.

Everything I Know About Naya Winota In Adventures In The Forgotten Realms Standard

Naya Winota might finally be hitting its peak in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard. World Champion PVDDR shares his latest list and gameplay tips.

Is Adventures In The Forgotten Realms Standard As Wide-Open As It Seems?

With Naya Winota rising in popularity for AFR Standard, is it the deck to play, or the deck to beat? World Champion PVDDR and others say what they’d play.

6 Cards From Jumpstart: Historic Horizons That You Should Not Ignore

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons is poised to shake up Historic on MTG Arena. World Champion PVDDR shares a half-dozen major cards and decklists for each.

What’s The Deck To Beat In Standard 2022?

Standard 2022 continues to see interest on MTG Arena, but what would the World Champion play there? Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa and four other SCG creators share their picks.

Establishing The Tiers Of Adventures In The Forgotten Realms Standard

What are the true tiers of the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard metagame? Magic World Champion PVDDR sorts his list of top decks.

Is Pioneer A Dead Format?

Is rolling dice for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms cards fun? Is Modern the best MTG format right now? And is Pioneer even a format anymore? World Champion PVDDR and two others weigh in.