
AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Innovations – One Game: The Next Level Blue Mirror

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, February 18th – Extended PTQs continue apace across the world. With a metagame so vibrant, the format is proving to be fun, intricate, and popular. The most popular control strategy, Next Level Blue, is a deck that requires great skill and patience to pilot correctly. And the mirror match… to the uninitiated, it’s the stuff of nightmares. Thankfully, Patrick is here to help…

Innovations – Gratuitous Standard Decklists (a Gauntlet Full of Fish)

The Star City $5,000 Standard Open comes to Charlotte, NC!
Monday, February 11th – Today’s Innovations sees Worlds finalist Patrick Chapin walk us through his take on the current Standard Metagame. With close inspection of both the recent StarCityGames.com Standard Open and the Japanese Grand Prix Trial – plus a healthy dose of new lists and innovations – Patrick has the inside scoop on the format. If you need a fresh edge for your next tournament, look no further!

Innovations – Two-Headed Morningtide Standard Set Review, Part 2

The Star City $5,000 Standard Open comes to Charlotte, NC!
On Friday, Mike brought us his take on Morningtide for Standard play. Today it’s the turn of Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin. Patrick runs through some of the more interesting cards in the set, and tells us where he agrees – and, more importantly, disagrees – with Mike’s assessment.

Innovations – Mastering Extended: A GerryT/Innovator Collaboration

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
There’s something different for us today… Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin interviews Gerry Thompson on the intricacies of the current Extended format. GerryT shares two lists – his build of Doman Zoo, and his personal take on Next Level Blue – before sharing sideboarding plans against the Tier 1 decks. If you’re looking for an edge at your next PTQ, let Patrick and Gerry guide the way!

Innovations – Mono-Black Rogues in Standard and Block

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Morningtide is finally here (functionally), so it’s time to break out the hot new Constructed tech! Today’s Innovations does just that: Patrick Chapin brings us a Mono-Black Standard Rogue deck that has great game against the format’s front-runners. And, as it’s mainly comprised of Lorwyn Block goodies, it can port over into Block Constructed too!

Innovations – Martyr of Sands in Extended

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin investigate the latest exciting build from the brainpan of Mike Flores: Rith’s Charm Combo. Of course, being the Innovator does have its duties, so Patrick expands upon the work Mike has done thus far, conceding that Mike was right… and then showing him how to do it better.

Innovations – Undefeated with Next Level Blue

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
He made the final of Worlds 2007… so what’s next? In today’s Innovations, Patrick Chapin takes his potent Next Level Blue Extended deck into the PTQ field, preparing to crush the dreams of all he faced. Patrick has a proven track record of delivering the top notch tech and then performing well with it… does this Blue deck deliver the goods?

Innovations – Innovating U/G Elves in Extended

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!From the world champion, we move to the other finalist from New York: Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin. Today he looks at U/G Opposition Elves in Extended, building them from the ground up with an eye on the current metagame. In a sea of powerful and polarizing strategies, does the four-mana enchantment hold the key to success for the coming PTQ season?

Innovations – Introducing Next Level Blue

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Fresh from his sterling performance at Worlds 2007, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin has decided to give us our Christmas gift a little early this year! Today’s Innovations sees the Constructed master turn his eye towards Extended, bringing us the “Next Level in Blue Deck Technology.” Intrigued? Then read on!

Innovations – World Championship Report, Part 2 *2nd*

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Last week, World Championship runner-up Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin talked us through his first day of play at the 2007 tournament. He ended proceedings at 7-1, which is a fine place to be. Today’s article continues where that left off, brining his thoughts on Legacy, the Top 8 showdown, and the story behind one of the greatest matches in Pro Tour history. Read on!

Innovations – World Championship Report, Part 1 *2nd*

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
That’s right, folks… it’s the article you’ve all been waiting for! For those of you that’ve been hiding under a rock these past few days, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin turned up to Worlds with an exciting Mono-Red Dragonstorm deck, and proceeded to rock out all the way to the final! For part 1 of his entertaining report, read on!

Innovations – Snow Red and U/G/w Blink in Standard

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
With Worlds around the corner, all eyes are turning to New York. As usual, a good portion of the Magic Extravaganza takes place with sixty-cards decks crafted from the Standard cardpool, and every pro and his pal is searching for the Next Big Standard Thing. Patrick looks at a successful deck from States – Skred Red – and also tilts his cap toward a new deck with a powerful pedigree…

Innovations – Grand Prix: Daytona Tournament Report *34th*

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Grand Prix: Daytona Beach taught the world a thing or two about the nuances of Lorwyn Limited. Tribal concerns, color shenanigans, and card evaluation were all under the harsh glare of the major tournament spotlight. Today’s Innovations brings us Patrick Chapin’s version of events, as he powered up to a 34th-place finish.

Innovations – Fast Times in Daytona Beach

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Today’s Innovations comes fresh from the trenches of Grand Prix: Daytona Beach. Patrick shares his Sealed pool, and hands out a few tips on how to make the best use out of a substandard cardpool. He also regales us with tales of his spectacular week, and teaches us that valuable lessons for both Magic and life can spring from the most surprising of places…

Innovations – Thermodynamics in Magic

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
One of the most important questions players are forced to answer during a game of Magic is “What is my role?” Mike Flores tells us that Misassignment of Role = Game Loss, and while that is certainly true, there is more to the theory behind that statement than meets the eye. Today, in a contender for Article of the Year, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin explores the novel concept of Thermodynamics in Magic. One deck is warm, the other is cool… just where do the boundaries lie?