
AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Innovations – A First Look at M10

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, June 22nd – M10 is coming with well over 100 fresh cards looking to shake up Standard. Of particular interest is the rumored inclusion of a certain one-mana red instant. Patrick Chapin discusses some of the cards showcased thus far, before tackling the future of Vintage Magic…

Innovations – Pro Tour: Honolulu Tournament Report, Part 1

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, June 8th – At Pro Tour: Honolulu, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin helped design and perfect the powerful Five-Color Cascade deck that powered Zac Hill to the Top 8. Today, he shares some fun from Day 1 of the PT, and talks about the Block Constructed metagame in general.

Next Level Magic Preview – Tempo

Thursday, June 4th – The following are passages from “Next Level Magic,” Patrick Chapin’s Strategy Guide that is being released as an e-book, here on StarCityGames.com, in one week’s time. Today’s preview is the last in the series, and it concerns… Tempo

Innovations – Five-Color Blood: Sygg, the Missing Link

Saturday, June 13th - SCG 5K Atlanta!
Monday, June 1st – At Grand Prix: Barcelona, the story was Swans. At Grand Prix: Seattle, aside from the resurgence of the Fae, everyone was talking about Five-Color Blood. Patrick shares his development tales on the deck that took Michael Jacob to the Top 8, talks about his personal record, and explains how the deck got over that final hurdle with the help of the dark half of Sygg…

Next Level Magic Preview – Card Advantage and Virtual Card Advantage

Thursday, May 28th – The following are passages from “Next Level Magic,” Patrick Chapin’s Strategy Guide that is being released as an e-book, here on StarCityGames.com, at the end of the month. Each week this month, there will be an excerpt from the book for your enjoyment. This week: Card Advantage and Virtual Card Advantage.

Innovations – Continuing to Examine Standard (Now With More Barcelona)

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Monday, May 25th – Barcelona has come and gone, and while Patrick Chapin didn’t set Spain alight with a strong finish, the deck he played has a definite role to play in the emerging metagame. He takes us through his pre-tournament deck thoughts, and shares his personal opinions on some of the top strategies in Standard.

Innovations – Five-Color Blood in Regionals, and Decks I Dislike

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Monday, May 18th – Regionals have come and gone, and results should be rolling in soon. Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin discuss Five-Color Blood and its place in the evolving metagame, before moving on to an illuminating breakdown of the decks that Patrick doesn’t believe can cut the mustard in modern Standard…

Innovations – The Decks I Recommend for Regionals 2009

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Monday, May 11th – Regionals is coming, and the prudent player needs to prepare. Today’s Innovations brings us what everyone wants: the decks that Patrick Chapin would play at this year’s competition. He investigates his favorite strategies, including his latest adaptation of Five-Color. Enjoy!

Next Level Magic Preview – Semi-Soft Locks

Thursday, May 7th – The following are passages from “Next Level Magic,” Patrick Chapin’s Strategy Guide that is being released as an e-book, here on StarCityGames.com, at the end of the month. Each week this month, there will be an excerpt from the book for your enjoyment. Today: Semi-Soft Locks.

Innovations – Standard Decks With Alara Reborn

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Monday, May 4th – Regionals are on the horizon, along with a brand new Standard PTQ season, both fueled by the new gold cards in Alara Reborn. Today, Patrick Chapin investigates a slew of new and familiar strategies that incorporate cards from the new set, including updates of Faeries, Five-Color, and Red aggression.

Innovations – Developing Shortcuts for Thinking About Magic

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, April 27th – Magic Is perhaps the most complex game ever conceived. At any given point, players have a wealth of information to check and recheck. How can we maximize our ability to mine this information for strategic insight? Patrick explains the concept of shortcuts, allowing us to rewire our minds to help increase our chances for success.

Innovations – Ten Reasons Why Alara Reborn Will Be Insane

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, April 20th – Alara Reborn is almost with us, and Patrick Chapin is very excited by the fresh multicolor goodness! Today, he looks at ten reasons why he believes this set is going to reshape Constructed Magic for the foreseeable future. Using cards spoiled thus far, he takes us through the strongest effects the set has offered up thus far…