Patrick Chapin

AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Innovations – Zendikar Thoughts: Snakes Alive!

SCG 10K Philadelphia... the first major event featuring Zendikar!
Monday, September 21st – With the Zendikar prerelease mere days away, Patrick Chapin looks at one of the most highly-anticipated cards due to arrive in the new set: Lotus Cobra! He examines its strengths and weaknesses, and shares his thoughts on a selection of other Zendikar goodies along the way… [Warning: Contains Spoilers.]

Innovations – Zendikar Insanity Continues!

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, September 14th – The world continues to sink into Zendikar Spoiler Overload, and Patrick Chapin is no exception. Today, he looks at another slew of powerful cards from the new set, examining their potential impact across a number of Constructed formats… Warning: Spoiler Alert.

Zendikar – Archmage Ascension Exclusive Preview!

Zendikar!Monday, September 7th – I am writing a special segment of Innovations today to unveil my first ever exclusive preview card, Archmage Ascension. I have been writing for years, but have been writing my reviews of upcoming new cards primarily based on reading information over at MTGSalvation. This time around, I am psyched to be trying something new, a preview card of my own.

Innovations – Zendikar: The Five Strongest Spoiled Cards

The StarCityGames.com $10K Open Comes to Charlotte!
Monday, September 7th – In today’s Innovations, Patrick Chapin looks at some of the stronger Zendikar offerings that have been revealed thus far. This set is shaping up to be incredible, and Patrick believes it will be the best selling Magic set ever printed. [Warning: Contains spoilers.]

Innovations – Zendikar, Valakut, and Other Fun Words

The StarCityGames.com $10K Open Comes to Charlotte!

Monday, August 31st – With Zendikar just around the corner, Patrick Chapin examines some of the stronger cards from the rumor mills and spoiler sites. He brings us some interesting Extended decks with the new set in mind, plus a host of other interesting ideas and opinions…

Innovations Extra – The Template

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, August 26th – Patrick Chapin sets out a template for all Magic writers (or aspiring writers) to employ, giving away his secrets and sharing some tricks of the trade. If you’ve ever written a Magic article – hell, if you’ve ever read a Magic article – this humorous piece is unmissable.

Innovations – An Article on Standard

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Wednesday, August 26th – With the StarCityGames.com $5000 Dallas Standard Open this Saturday, Patrick Chapin takes a look the strategies he believes to be the strongest in the current metagame. If you haven’t guessed by now, the decks he suggests all contain a little land by the name of Reflecting Pool…

Innovations – The Deck 2009: Bringing Back the Glory Days of Vintage!

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Monday, August 17th – At the Vintage World Championships GenCon last weekend, Patrick Chapin played The Deck, updated for the 2009 metagame. However, instead of bringing us a Menendian-style play-by-play, he turns the discussion to the decline of Vintage. The format is diminishing in popularity, and Patrick believes he has the answer…

Innovations – A History of the Best Decks from the First 17 Years of Magic

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Thursday, August 13th – In today’s contemplative edition of Innovations, Patrick Chapin trawls the Magic history books to find the most powerful and influential decks from throughout the game’s illustrious past. He selects a deck from each year of competitive play, from 1993 to the present day, and shares insights on how lessons from the past can prepare us for the future.

Innovations – Doing The Right Thing

Come to the StarCityGames.com $5K in Dallas!
Monday, August 3rd – After missing out on Day 2 at Grand Prix: Boston, Patrick Chapin is in uncommonly reflective mood. Today’s “Innovations” is not about new tech or strategy… it’s about holding yourself accountable for your attitude to the game. Playing correctly is something more than technical, and Patrick leads the way.

Innovations – U.S. Nationals

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, July 27th – Patrick Chapin, a pioneer of Five-Color Control, sauntered into U.S. Nationals with a pocket full of Reflecting Pools. However, his best-laid plans did not bear fruit, and other Five-Color decks rose to the challenge. Today sees Patrick discuss the metagame, and he offers direction as to where it could head next…

Innovations – The First Waves of a New Extended

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, July 20th – Patrick takes a break from competitive Standard testing to examine the new Extended format coming soon. He looks at a number of high-profile strategies, and updates the relevant builds around their gains and losses from the rotation of new and old sets. He also brings us a bonus Standard decklist, just in time for Nationals!

Innovations – M10 Firecracker: Continuing to Explore Standard

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, July 14th – After a weekend of gunslinging action at the StarCityGames.com prerelease, Patrick Chapin brings us a host of updated Standard decks that take note of the new goodies from M10. From control to combo to aggro, all tastes are catered for in this excellent article!

Innovations – Post M10 Decks and Bus Stop Encounters

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, July 6th – Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin share a collection of decklists that utilize the strong cards available in M10. He updates some old favorites, and brings us an interesting work-in-progress deck too. All that, plus inspiring tales of bus stop encounters…

Innovations – Ten Sick New Cards From M10

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, June 29th – M10, the new Core Set, is right around the corner, and it looks amazing! The first Core Set to contain new content since Beta, it is guaranteed to shake up Standard. Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin examine some of the more potent cards spoiled so far. Be warned… This article contains spoilers (obviously).