Patrick Chapin

AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Magic Origins Set Review: Blue

Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin is here to share his thoughts (and decklists!) for Magic Origins in Standard, starting at his very favorite place – the color blue. Try one of his decklists out as you prepare for #SCGCHI this weekend!

Red Decks

Magic Origins has a whole lot to offer everyone, but red mages in particular seem to have gotten a pretty sweet deal. Patrick looks at all of the different ways to use these new cards in Standard, to best judge their comparative worth.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer

While all five of the flip-Planeswalkers from Magic Origins are exciting, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin is particularly intrigued by the deeper potential to be found in Nissa, Vastwood Seer.

Abzan Control At GP Providence: 41st

Hot off of a ninth-place finish at Grand Prix Charlotte, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin decided to chase Grand Prix success one more time in Providence with his trusty Abzan Control deck.

9th At GP Charlotte With Grixis: Home At Last!

After finishing 13-2 at Grand Prix Charlotte and only missing the Top Eight on tiebreakers, Patrick Chapin looks under the hood of the Grixis Control deck that brought him so close.

Sultai or Grixis?

It’s been an exciting weekend for Modern thanks to the Season Two Invitational, and Patrick is gearing up for Grand Prix Charlotte this weekend by surfing all of this new information!

The Modern Metagame

Patrick looks back on Grand Prix Las Vegas and takes an exhaustive look at the Modern format, complete with decklists, for the Season Two Invitational and Grand Prix Charlotte!

Grixis In Modern And Legacy

Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin is a total sucker for sweet Grixis decks! And today, he’s letting his passion for all things Grixis out into the world! If you want to control your opponents in Modern or Legacy, Patrick is here to show you the ways to do it!

Twinning End, Slivers, And Merfolk In Modern!

Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin checks out some of the strangest and most exciting Modern decks that you should consider for the upcoming #SCGINVI in Columbus or Grand Prix Charlotte! The big back-to-back Modern weekends are coming!

Dragon Megamorph!

Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin studies the crazy innovations from this weekend’s Grand Prix and attempts to push the envelope on merging strategies before the $5,000 Standard Premier IQ at #SCGWOR this weekend!

Time To Play Elspeth

Esper Dragons was supposed to be the deck that took this format into a stagnant danger zone, but the numbers from the weekend tell us that’s not how it’s shaping up. Patrick Chapin explains why Dragonlord Ojutai may not be top tier at #SCGDFW this weekend!

Dear Azami: 200

Every once in a while, Dear Azami likes to let a young upstart try to make a name for themselves by guest authoring the column. Just for fun, we celebrate Dear Azami #200 with one such youngster! His name is Patrick, and he’s here to talk about playing control in Commander!

Ojutai Devotion And Temur Control

Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin analyzes the semi-settled metagame we’ve finally found ourselves in. See his process for taking aim at known tournament fields, as well as the decks he has assembled for the task thus far!

The Ways To Win SCG Portland

Patrick is back again, this time with the requested decks you asked for earlier this week, the builds that make the most sense for this weekend, and the cards you should not be caught without at #SCGPORT!

The Real Standard Metagame

Whenever we rely solely on top 8 lists, we lose out on a lot of important data. Fortunately, Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is here to show us the road to #SCGPORT success.