AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Can Anything Top Four-Color Midrange In Historic?

Historic is a format with several strong decks, but can any of them top Four-Color Midrange? Our experts weigh in!

Why Balustrade Spy And Uro, Titan Of Nature’s Wrath Bans Are Inevitable In Pioneer And Modern

Two deadly duos have Patrick Chapin thinking about breaking them up in Pioneer and Modern. Why does he see Uro and Balustrade Spy saying goodbye?

Has Oops All Spells Become Pioneer’s Deck To Beat?

The Pioneer metagame remains in flux. Which of today’s SCG creators recommends Oops All Spells, and what did the others say?

Mono-Green Devotion: Back On Top Of Pioneer

What fueled Mono-Green Devotion’s resurgence in Pioneer? Patrick Chapin breaks down Michael Jacob’s Magic Online Championship-winning list and others.

Let’s Break Aetherworks Marvel In Historic

Will Aetherworks Marvel break Historic when Kaladesh Remastered arrives? Patrick Chapin gives it his best with a series of brews.

Next Wave Naya In Zendikar Rising Standard

Patrick Chapin shows the long and winding road he took to Naya Ramp (Yorion) in Zendikar Rising Standard.

Is Oops All Spells Pioneer’s Deck To Beat?

Does the combo power of Oops All Spells make it Pioneer’s deck to beat? Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin and three more SCG creators say what they’d play.

Hey Look! Post-Ban Standard! (But Aren’t They All?)

Patrick Chapin sifts through Magic Online results for the next great post-ban Zendikar Rising Standard deck. What did The Innovator turn up this time?

It’s Time To Go (Dimir) Rogue(s) In Pioneer

Patrick Chapin is a fan of Dimir Rogues…in Pioneer? “The Innovator” reveals his deck and breaks down his choices card by card.

Death’s Shadow Is Back And Better Than Ever In Modern

It’s a super-sized What We’d Play as nine SCG creators give their picks for the weekend’s hottest Modern decks.

Has Zendikar Rising Changed The Landscape In Historic?

Zendikar Rising has reached Historic, but is it shaking up the format or providing incremental change? Seven SCG creators say what they’d play.

Yes, Omnath, Locus Of Creation Is Prepared To Dominate Pioneer

Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin highlights two recent results that point to Omnath, Locus of Creation dominating Pioneer with Zendikar Rising’s release.

Is Omnath, Locus Of Creation Prepared To Dominate Pioneer?

Zendikar Rising’s four-color menace has arrived in Pioneer. Will our six SCG creators play with Omnath, Locus of Creation or against it?

Finding Value With Valakut Exploration

Patrick Chapin has big plans for Valakut Exploration. See how “The Innovator” brews with it in Zendikar Rising Standard and beyond.

Nighthawk Scavenger Is The New Tarmogoyf

Patrick Chapin is thinking big with Zendikar Rising preview Nighthawk Scavenger. Check out the five decks he brewed, covering four formats.