Patrick Chapin

AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Reviving Red In Kaladesh

A lot of players thought that red was far and away the weakest color in recent Standard memory. How likely is that to change in this brand new Standard format? #SCGINDY is only days away, and Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin has a lot of advice, lists, and card analysis for every fire-fueled spell from Kaladesh!

Endless White-Based Kaladesh Decks For #SCGINDY

The wait is over! Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is ready to give you the goods for #SCGINDY weekend! Kaladesh is about to fly down from the sky into our tournament lives, and Patrick has tons of strategies and decklists for you to attack (or control) the main event on Saturday!

Harsh Scrutiny: Breaking Black For Kaladesh Standard

Patrick Chapin turns his critical deckbuilding eye on the black cards of Kaladesh! Harsh Scrutiny comes in for some of its namesake, but what else will catch his attention ahead of #SCGINDY? Maybe a 1/1 for one mana, or a certain legendary Aetherborn Rogue?

Building With Blue And White In Kaladesh Standard

Kaladesh has Pro Tour Champion and Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin dreaming of the days of Mulldrifter! Which cards have him most excited to draw cards, blink for value, and everything in between? The Innovator has the decklists to get the job done in Kaladesh Standard!

Aggressive Kaladesh Decks

Magic Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is back with his first round of Kaladesh brews! Today he looks at the aggro side of things, including multiple takes on Chandra, Torch of Defiance, one of the hottest planeswalker debuts in years!

Exclusive Kaladesh Preview: Aether Hub!

The energy for Kaladesh is really starting to add up! So what can we do with all that energy? Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin has a new card and an answer: anything we want!

Making And Modifying Plans

If you want to know what great players do that you may not be, this is your chance. Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin has a cut-to-the-chase guide on having plans (and adjusting them) at every stage of the game! Fix your mistakes and become the best player you can be at #SCGRICH this weekend!

Modern At The Invitational

You want the most definitive breakdown imaginable of the Modern format? Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is happy to oblige! Get the data and the analysis you need in the wake of a Modern-packed Invitational weekend!

Delirium In The New Modern

Think Delirium is only destined for Standard greatness? Think you know all the decks you need to watch for at #SCGINVI? We’ve got Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin bringing you the pinnacle of Modern analysis right here!

Pro Tour Emrakul

The Innovator has been studying the results of the Pro tour with extreme focus, and he has a lot of verdicts about where the format is going toward #SCGNY’s Standard Classic! Will Bant Company come back to the top of the mountain? Will B/W Control pick up in popularity? Is Emrakul consistently beatable? The answers are here!

Bad Company

Count Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin among those in Magic’s top tier that aren’t enthralled with the complacent Bant Company builds we’re seeing all over The SCG Tour®. Will #SCGRegionals and the Pro Tour be dominated by Bant? Or is The Innovator right in thinking it isn’t the way to go?

Standard Is “Fine.”

Bant Company is everywhere, but all that means is that you can arm yourself with specific tools to take it down! With #SCGRegionals on the way, Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin wants to make sure you’re ready for the format that awaits you this weekend!

Spell Queller: Warping The Format On Day One

In a result that surprised positively no one, the most apparent superstar spoiler from Eldritch Moon marched to victory for a huge number of pilots. What sort of format are we looking at with Spell Queller running the show at #SCGBALT?

Eldritch Moon Review: Green, White, Blue

If you think you’ve seen all the things you can possibly do with Eldritch Moon for #SCGCOL, you are so, so wrong! The Innovator has tons of brews for The SCG Tour®, for your FNM, for the Pro Tour, and every type of event in between!

Eldritch Moon Set Review: Red!

They say aggro decks are the way to go on the first Standard weekend, and that means lots of red! Can The Innovator find the #SCGCOL aggro deck that will rule the weekend?