AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Opt Takes Modern By Storm

SCG Charlotte showcased a wildly diverse Modern metagame! Patrick Chapin takes a deep dive into the results, showcasing his favorite tech and the possibilities for SCG Cincinnati!

The World Championship Metagame: Where Should Standard Go?

Patrick Chapin breaks down the Standard metagame at the World Championship! With just 24 competitors, he expected things to get a little weird…but not this weird! What’s the plan if you’re bound for SCG Charlotte’s Standard Classic?

Beating Ixalan Standard Black And Blue

Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin continues his popular rundown of all the major (and some not-so-major) blue and black cards of Ixalan. Pirates and Dinosaurs (and more…)? Oh my!

The Green Cards Of Ixalan

Get Patrick Chapin’s ideas on Ixalan’s green cards, just in time for SCG Dallas!

The White Cards Of Ixalan

Patrick Chapin kicks off his famous set review for Ixalan with the white cards! We’ve already seen hype for Tocatli Honor Guard, but what will “The Innovator” do with the set’s Vampires?

Merfolk…Er, Red Aggro

Patrick Chapin wanted to write a lot about Merfolk today, but there’s just one problem: they’re terrible! So how about an explanation why and some piquant red decks ahead of SCG Dallas instead?

Building Blue Decks With Ixalan

Patrick Chapin’s mind is on blue and brewing as the Ixalan previews roll in! You want Pirates? Dynavolt Tower decks? Approach of the Second Sun? He has all three and more as he envisions the way to stay blue in the new world.

The Pirates Of Ixalan

Post-Labor Day blues have you groggy? Patrick Chapin’s here to perk you up with some Ixalan-inspired Pirate brews! Come for the decklists, stay for the puns…

A Tale Of 3 Modern Metagames

Three huge Modern events took place just days ago, and they look unbelievably different! Patrick Chapin has taken the time to study the decks and synchronize the data! What Modern format will we find in the coming weeks? Can this format get even better?

Black Aggro Flips The Table In Standard!

Magic finally seems to be back to an ever-changing metagame, and Patrick Chapin couldn’t be happier! So what happened, and how will it affect this weekend’s Standard Classic metagame? Is this the most aggro Standard of all-time?

Is Ramunap Red Unstoppable?

Ramunap Red took five slots in the Top 8 of Pro Tour Hour of Devastation, and by Patrick Chapin’s reckoning, it was underplayed?! What happened in Kyoto, and how will that shape Standard’s future?

It’s Nicol Bolas’s World. We’re Just Living In It.

The God-Pharaoh is officially legit. Join The Innovator as he puts the screws to Standard before SCG Atlanta! Deck diversity is fine and all, but can this metagame be as broken as the last few?

Hour Of Devastation: Building Decks With Green

Patrick Chapin’s Hour of Devastation exploration continues! Which green cards are full of (Hour of) Promise, and which are just mirages?

Hour Of Devastation: Building Decks With Blue

The color wheel is ever turning! This time, Patrick Chapin serves up a bevy of blue-based decks right before SCG Cincinnati! He’s even got something special for the Legacy crowd! Good luck in Ohio, everyone!

Hour Of Devastation: Building Decks With White

You want The Innovator? You got him! He’s starting the season off with the endless builds you’ve come to expect for SCG Cincinnati!