
AuthorOscar Tan

Winner of the 2002 Writer War, Oscar lives in the Phillipines and is an aspiring law student.

You CAN Play Type I #63: Opening Up Onslaught, Part IV – Enchantments

We begin with what was the most talked-about enchantment in Type I circles, obviously because this card has explosive potential…. But what deck does Future Sight belong in? With Future Sight in play, Academy can turn over Moxen and keep fueling cheap card drawers until it puts together the combo. But is it a good idea?

You CAN Play Type I #62: Opening Up Onslaught, Part III – The Sorceries

Blackmail is clearly a second-rate Duress. But is that bad? Well, actually it is – unless you can find a deck that wants four more discard slots. You know, though, that no deck wants all that discard, the simplest reason being it sucks to strip an empty hand while a weenie beats down on you. Discard is just disruption; you need other things to win you the game.

You CAN Play Type I #56: Head To Head With White Weenie

00:03:22 – — Basti says: ”Go easy on me.”

00:03:22 – — Rakso says: ”Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war”

00:04:02 – Rakso says:’keep’

00:04:05 – Basti says:’I am playing White Weenie!’

00:04:10 – Rakso says:’I accept your concession.’

You CAN Play Type I #55: Unquiet Speculations

Just how out of touch am I with the mainstream Magic world? It hit me when I finally found the time to click to the Worlds coverage: I couldn’t relate to a single thing. And frankly, I blame the Sideboard.

You CAN Play Type I #53: The Nantuko Conspiracy

you have to critically determine which games are won due to Shade and which are due to,”Hymn, Hymn, I win!” The variants are very close in terms of cards used, play the same strategy, and you have to base your judgment only in the games where the changes made an impact. Obviously, it’ll take people a while to notice something… And even longer to decide if there’s a problem.