
AuthorMike Flores

Mike has written for The Duelist, The Sideboard, and MagicTheGathering.com and has returned to StarCityGames.com to continue his legacy. He is a championship deck designer and Magic theory pioneer.

Flores Friday – Fulfilling Expectations: How To Build A Sideboard That Isn’t Embarrassing

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Today’s edition of Flores Friday sees Mike deconstruct the myths behind the creation of an exquisite sideboard. So many of our final fifteens are assembled as an apology rather than as a weapon. By looking at the math behind the process, and examining the true goals of sideboard design, Mike shows us ways to improve our deckbuilding skills in an article that’s destined to become a classic.

Flores Friday – Two Formats, Three Decks

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
It’s the weekend, so that means one thing: Flores Friday. Today’s offering from Mike showcases a plethora of practical information on the relevant formats, from the front lines. He shares his U.S. Grinders decklist, and Osyp’s Nationals deck, before bringing us what he claims to be the best deck in Time Spiral Block Constructed by far… and he didn’t design it! Intrigued? Then read on…

Flores Friday – On the Couch, in the Brain

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
In preparation for U.S. Nationals, and for the meatgrinders in particular, this week’s Flores Friday sees Mike bring us a selection of fun and powerful Standard decks across a number of popular archetypes. Looking for the best of Gruul beatdown? Or something more mid-range and controlling? How about a Green/White deck with plenty of trickery? Mike’s got all the bases covered…

Flores Friday – Delta Ex

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Nationals is fast approaching, and the deadline for Tenth Edition’s Standard debut is actually today… so, what can we expect of the new metagame? Mike takes a timely look at all the major players pre-rotation, and places them in the Winners or Losers enclosure. Some decks gain, while some fall from grace. If you’re looking to form a picture of the evolving metagame before it officially arrives, this article is invaluable.

Flores Friday – Vorosh.dec… No, Really

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Today’s Flores Friday sees Mike update his four-color U/B/r/g Control list for the current Block Constructed metagame. He talks us through his journey to the current seventy-five, and shares his highs and lows from a recent PTQ… including one self-proclaimed “bonehead” play that Mike believes is the worst he’s made in eleven years. Intrigued? Then read on!

Flores Friday – X, (+), (-)

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Today’s Flores Friday sees Mike take a fine-tooth comb through the gains and losses coming in Tenth Edition. What cards will we miss, and what cards will we banish with a cheery wave? What are the cards that will make the biggest impact on U/S. Nationals Standard, and what cards are the dead ducks? Plus Mike’s take on a popular Time Spiral Block Constructed control strategy… what more could you possible want?

Flores Friday – Work in Progress: Vorosh.dec

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!Another Flores Friday, another kick-ass deck… this time, a spicy looking G/U/B build for Block Constructed (As you’ve probably guessed by the deck name above). Harnessing the power of a number of strong synergies, does this deck have what it takes to propel its pilot to the Pro Tour? And does the deck actually include the rubbish dragon from Planar Chaos? Read on to find out!

Flores Friday – Repositioning

Read Mike Flores every Friday... on StarCityGames.com!
This week’s Flores Friday sees Mike answer his critics with a detailed explanation of his recent Vectors argument. By fighting a Magical battle on the expected front, a player puts himself in the unenviable position to be outclassed come games 2 and 3. However, with a little canny repositioning, the numbers can be dragged back into the winning column. If you’re serious about improving your chances at your next Constructed tournament, you can’t afford to miss this.

Flores Friday – The Legends of Team CMU

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Mike Flores rocked up to Regionals with yet another powerful deck of his own design, this time admirably aided by a host of innovative others. As usual, he marched his way to the top tables, making Top 8 with relative ease. And, as usual, he punted at the final hurdle. Today’s Flores Friday sees Mike take us through the design and theory behind the deck, and gives us a blow-by-blow of the tournament itself.

Flores Friday — Road to Regionals: Dodgeball, or “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Vore?”

Get ready for Magic the Gathering Regionals!
It’s the Friday before Regionals, and Mike Flores reveals the deck with which he’ll be battling in the weekend trenches. So, what’ll it be? Go-sis? Blue/White? Hell, something with Nessian Courser (this season’s Critical Mass)? Nope, is none of those… Alongside his starting seventy-five, Mike shares an intriguing concept: Vector Magic. As for his Regionals deck… well, you’ll have to read on to find out!

Flores Friday – Resident Genius Fight

Get ready for Magic the Gathering Regionals!
For Mike’s first Road to Regionals article this year, the 2006 Resident Genius takes the good fight to the 2007 Resident Genius, Mark Herberholz! Mike and Heezy slug it out in a ten-game set, Gruul versus NarcoDredge. Mike’s disdain for the dredge deck is well documented. After a quick ten versus Mark H, is the Price suddenly Right?

Flores Friday – Go-Sis and Draw-Go

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
Mike continues his exploration of the B/U/R Control deck in Standard, and reveals that this is the deck he is currently planning to take to Regionals. Today’s Flores Friday sees Mike throw the deck against the format’s behemoth, Dragonstorm. Ten games, ten results, and a favorable matchup overall. If that’s not enough, he also brings us a powerful Mono-Blue Control build, both with and without Future Sight!

Flores Friday – The Obvious and Difficult Combinations

Read Mike Flores every Friday... at StarCityGames.com!
With Regionals just around the corner, Mike ups the ante… with not one, not two, but three Standard decks packed with Future Sight cards! Each deck has a controlling feel, and there’s copious input from Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin, who “fixes” one of Mike’s deck (much to the Resident Genius’s delight). Mike’s creations constantly warp the Constructed metagame, and these decks are no exception. If you’re looking for an edge in the coming Standard environment, look no further!

Flores Friday – The Problem With Green

Ah, the problem with Green… a subject taxing the minds of the Magic Internet Community since 1766. Today’s Flores Friday sees Mike tackle this most elusive of topics with his usual incisive thinking, in a direct response to Jamie Wakefield’s take on the subject from earlier this week (and from the last ten years). He also shares his own forays into the Hulk Flash arena, and brings us what he believes to be the strongest Hulk Flash strategy created to date.

Spotlight on Future Sight — A Look at Constructed

Rounding out our Spotlight on Future Site series, we have Mike Flores! As usual for Flores Friday, Mike will be dwelling on cards specifically for Constructed formats… and today’s article looks at the twenty most promising cards to come from the new set. In addition, Mike dismantles a lot of the myths regarding some of the more over-hyped cards in the set. You can be sure that Pact of Negation will make the Top 20 list… but Bound in Silence? And where does Mike stand on the Edge of Autumn debate? Read on to find out!