AuthorMike Byrne

Mike Byrne's first Constructed tournament was a 104-person PTQ in 1997 that he Top 8ed; it's been all downhill from there. Now his current greatest pleasure in the game is when his 11-year-old son Top 8s at FNM. Outside of MTG, he's a professor of Psychology and Computer Science who studies human-machine interaction.

Surveying The Last Month Of Standard

Need to catch up on the state of Standard before SCG Open Series: San Diego? Then read Mike Byrne’s detailed overview of the current metagame.

Surveying The Last Month Of M13 Standard

If you’ve taken the summer off and want to know what you’ll see if you show up at SCG Standard Open: Portland or SCG Classic Series: Birmingham this weekend, don’t miss this conceptual guide to the Standard metagame.