AuthorJim Grimmett

James is a resident of Bath, UK and a self-confessed Magic addict. In his spare time he builds and plays rogue decks, reads books and comics, and designs and builds websites. He's attended the UK Nationals since 1998.

Test Decks

Well, that’s that. No more or for me, or the rest of Team PhatBeats. No more Hermits, no more and definitely no more . Last weekend I attended the last Type II tourney that I’ll ever play Urza’s Saga block cards in, and I can’t say I’m unhappy. I took a version (only one card…

The Last Stand

Not long now. Only one month and it all changes. Love ’em or hate ’em, three whole Magic expansions will leave Type II. There are cards I can’t wait to see leave: , , and even . I don’t hate them, but their loss will redefine the environment in ways that none of us can…

DCI, Ban Congregate In Multiplayer!

My, how I wish it was true. is amazing in multiplayer, really amazing – especially when one deck is pumping out two or three saproling tokens a turn. Hang on – I’m writing about multiplayer! Where’s the strategy? Where’s the Type II deck lists and history? Where’s a few choice words on Invasion? Team PhatBeats…


As many writers seem to be pointing out right now, it’s difficult to find things to write about that really mean something. You can write about MBC, but it’s becoming a very well-known topic – and one that many people are sick of. You can write about Type II, but it’s going to be changing…

Rising Waters In Type II

It’s that time of year again. Another block rotation is about to happen, and we’re about to lose all sense of stability and normality in the Magic universe. Right now I feel it’s a good thing. Why? When I go to a tourney at the moment, I know most of the cards that will be…

And Then There Were Four

So, first things first, how did the Type II tourney go? I’ll tell you. Saturday morning rolled around and I sauntered over to the community center. A lot of people were milling around, trying to get the cards for their decks. I’d only really come with my own deck and my trades, so they didn’t…

Look out – Tournament!

Once again a Bath monthly Type II tourney is just around the corner, and this month we’ve managed to get a lot more testing in. There have been several reasons for this: I’m getting home an hour and a half earlier than I was, for a start, but the main reason though is that someone…


I hinted in my last article that I’d been working on a couple of MBC decks, namely Counter-Burn and Counter-Rebel. The Counter-Burn deck is a block version of my Type II deck, and isn’t working too well at the moment. I’m not sure I’ve got the levels of counterspells and burn spells quite right. Not…

Makes You Think

This week my thoughts on strategy have been pushed back into the depths of my mind. Decklists of MBC Counter-Rebel and Counter-Burn will remain there, because right now there are more important things to think about: I’m alive. Some things in life make you think. Sometimes something happens to you that makes you sit down…

Meta Late Than Never

After last week’s article, we decided that we really should put our money where our mouth was and take another Fish deck to Bath’s monthly tournament. I took the Ponza deck that came top-8 in the US, and Andy took Fish deck. I took Ponza mainly because my Counter-Burn deck isn’t ready yet, and Andy…

Better Than Good

As I’ve mentioned in many articles before, I like to build my own decks. One of the things that frustrates me most is when I build a deck that should do well and it doesn’t. What I’d like to explore in this article is the difference between a good deck and an amazing deck. The…

A Little Counter, A Little Burn

Well, is out and last week I said I’d have a look at it. Once again I’ve been beaten to the crunch by a whole host of writers who seem to have lots of ideas that (I guess) you don’t want to hear for the millionth time, so I’ve got to come up with something…

Teams: A Necessity

What a weekend. A weekend of highs and lows, triumph and despair and the English Nationals has passed us by until next year. A few thoughts on the weekend followed by a few thoughts about teams in magic follow: I qualified in London for the Nationals and had been preparing for it for some time….

Having Fun

The last few months have been hard for me. I’ve not enjoyed my job, lost my girlfriend of two years and now hate the flat where we shared the last year together. Consequently I’ve spent some time off work and generally not been a very happy bunny. On the good side, I continued to get…

A Brief Respite

The qualifiers are over, at least here in England, and we have a little break before we have to start testing for the big event. Last weekend was also the monthly Bath Magic tournament so I thought I’d see how Blastogeddon would do against some of the decks in the current environment. After playtesting and…