AuthorJeremy Froggatt

Husband and father of three little girls, the fact that I have any time for hobbies is astonishing. Between work, driving and helping out around the house, what little spare time I do have has been focused on Magic with a few small breaks here and there for computer games. The only constant in these last couple years has been my card altering.

Alterations – Altering At SCG Open: Pittsburgh

Jeremy Froggatt made the trip out to Pittsburgh to alter cards at his own booth for Star City. Find out about his trip and check out the lovely commissions he completed for players at the event site.

Alterations – June Review

June brought about a great set of altered card pieces, including what may be the best alter of all time. How will Klug, Sandreline, and BigUp one-up themselves this month? Also meet the newest alterists on the block!

Alterations – Ten Tips For The Budding Alterist

you want to try your hand at altering cards, Jeremy Froggatt gives you ten simple tips to keep in mind in order to make your life easier. Also, check out the Force of Wills he finished for Josh Rayden!

Alterations – May Review

Jeremy Froggatt is having more and more trouble picking awesome altered art to review each month! The pile keeps growing. This month, we have Guru Sensei’s Divining Tops, Einstein Brainstorm, Wolf Shirt Hymn to Tourach, and more.

Alterations – Ritalin Kid

Jeremy Froggatt tells you a little more about himself and his struggles with ADD (and thus, with deadlines) and then takes you step by step through an alteration of the Legacy staple, Force of Will.

Alterations – Ritalin Kid

Jeremy Froggatt tells you a little more about himself and his struggles with ADD (and thus, with deadlines) and then takes you step by step through an alteration of the Legacy staple, Force of Will.

Alterations – April Review

Who doesn’t love eye candy? These alters from the month of April are unique, eye-catching, and expertly crafted. Check out such goodies as the black-and-white Lion’s Eye Diamonds, Storm Brainstorm, and Chocobo Birds of Paradise!

Alterations – April Review

Who doesn’t love eye candy? These alters from the month of April are unique, eye-catching, and expertly crafted. Check out such goodies as the black-and-white Lion’s Eye Diamonds, Storm Brainstorm, and Chocobo Birds of Paradise!

Alterations – Barnacles And Rainbows

Tuesday, April 26 – Jeremy makes Skittles the Dragon more appropriate for his moniker. Watch his alteration process as he takes pictures after each step, and learn how you can make Magic card art your own.

Alterations – Barnacles And Rainbows

Tuesday, April 26 – Jeremy makes Skittles the Dragon more appropriate for his moniker. Watch his alteration process as he takes pictures after each step, and learn how you can make Magic card art your own.

Alterations – Until It’s Gone

Tuesday, March 22 – Finally, we have Jeremy’s first real article on! This popular Talent Search writer brings us the process by which he alters popular Magic cards, this time Angel of Despair.

SCG Talent Search – Alterations: Seasons, Elements, Horsemen, Finalists

Thursday, February 17 – Jeremy Froggatt is one of the final contestants of the SCG Talent Search! Vote to see him as a regular columnist. This week, he alters Primeval Titan and asks famous alterers for their top fours alters.

SCG Talent Search – Alterations: A Style Guide

Wednesday, January 26 – The world of Magic card alters is huge! Jeremy Froggatt covers all the different kinds of alters that exist, from border alters to full-art alters. He then pretties up Azusa, Lost but Seeking. Vote to see Jeremy in the Top 4!

SCG Talent Search – Alterations: Minion of Argyle

Wednesday, January 12th – Jeremy Froggatt, the card alterer, has made it to the Top 8 of the SCG Talent Search! Steve Argyle, who has drawn cards like Admonition Angel and Everflowing Chalice, joins in for a special interview.

SCG Talent Search – Alterations: Hate Is Such A Strong Word

Monday, December 6th – Evan Erwin’s theme this week was “Card that you hate.” Well, hate is a strong word… but Jeremy hates Frost Titan.