
AuthorGerry Thompson

Gerry Thompson is a Constructed specialist, Platinum pro, and former SCG Tour end boss. His career highlights include twelve Grand Prix Top 8s with two wins and seven SCG Invitational Top 8s with two wins. He won Pro Tour Amonkhet, lost in the finals of Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, and made the Top 8 of Pro Tour Gatecrash. Many of the first SCG Tour records were set by him.

Video: Grixis Control In Legacy!

#SCGWOR has a big Legacy showdown coming up this Sunday at the $5,000 Legacy Premier IQ! Don’t be caught unprepared! Let GerryT show you how to control the field in his latest Legacy video effort!

Daily Digest: For The Hive!

GerryT pays tribute to the tribe and the man of the moment! Don’t be caught offguard by this dangerous brood at the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ this weekend at #SCGWOR!

Daily Digest: The Zendikari Will Win

While we may have a month still to wait before Battle for Zendikar arrives on shelves, it’s not too soon to “gather your Allies” and battle in Modern.

Daily Digest: The Champ Is Here

Everything old is new again if you just wait long enough in this Standard metagame. The red-blue artifact deck returns, taking down Magic Online’s Standard Championships with a base-red deck full of burn and Ensoul Artifacts rather than the Pro Tour’s blue-based shell.

Daily Digest: How To Top 4 The World Championships

The inability of white to field a credible Devotion deck has been a long-running joke for this past year of Standard, but it finally got its moment to shine at the World Championships by getting Sam Black into the elimination rounds.

Video: Grixis Control In Modern

With Grixis decks of various stripes constituting several of Modern’s best decks, GerryT takes Grixis Control out for a spin to see how powerful Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy is in the format!

Daily Digest: An Unlikely Champion

It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen U/W Control at the top of the standings in Modern, but this weekend saw not one but two strong finishes for the archetype as it begins making its resurgence.

The Best Deck In Legacy

GerryT and two friends played Grixis Control to a combined 24-5 record in the Legacy portion of the Season Three Invitational, and as far as he’s concerned he’s found the best deck to play in all of Legacy!

Daily Digest: The Boss Returns

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Mono-Red do well in Standard, but new additions to compensate for the changes to the rest of the format might offer the deck a new lease on life now that the metagame is not fixated solely on attacking it out of existence.

Daily Digest: Bomberstone

Powerful combo decks utilizing two different combos that attack from separate angles will always give GerryT that warm fuzzy feeling, but it’s especially potent when the thing joining them is a tutor that otherwise optimizes the first combo anyway.

Daily Digest: The Real Counter-Burn

While we’re used to seeing Counterbalance only in the U/W Miracles deck, there’s no reason it can’t be used in other shells as well – as today’s deck showcases quite neatly.

Abzan Aggro Is The Best Deck

Abzan Aggro was top dog at the last major event, but Standard has proven to be very dynamic and we can’t be sure there is more metagame shifting yet to come. As the current best deck, what can we do to prepare for those changes and still thrive?

Daily Digest: The Doomsday Device

Doomsday is computationally the most difficult deck to play in all of Magic – there are just too many permutations and computations and you rarely Doomsday exactly the same way twice. So when a pilot achieves a good result with it, you should pay attention…

Daily Digest: Eureka!

Legacy is always an interesting place to brew, so when GerryT saw this Eureka deck he knew it was up to something interesting and he just had to explore…

Daily Digest: Back From The Dead

Magic Origins has greatly shifted around Standard and it’s even having a strong impact on Modern as well – but does it carry any weight in Legacy as well? Gerry examines Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy to potentially play for the Legacy portion of the Season Three Invitational too!