Cassie LaBelle

AuthorCassie LaBelle

Cassie LaBelle is a professional writer and long-time Magic financier based in Denver, Colorado. She has been part of the competitive Magic community since 2001, and has been writing about trading and speculation on a weekly basis since 2010. She believes that smart buying decisions and the framework of personal finance can be used to make Magic more affordable and accessible to all.

Promos: The Next Buyouts

If you think it stops with the Reserved List, guess again! Dominaria has players abuzz about all 25 years of Magic, and that includes a lot of the cards Chas highlights here! Don’t be surprised when those old FNM promos skyrocket…

In Defense Of The Reserved List

Look, everyone knows the Reserved List has downsides. We talk about it all the time. But, aren’t there benefits to this thing? Chas Andres plays devil’s advocate and changes a few minds!

8 Winners And Losers From The Pro Tour

Chas covers every facet of finance coming out of the big Pro Tour weekend, including the strange things going on with Magic Arena!

Battlebond, AKA Commander Masters, Financial Review!

This set is exploding with value! Is this the future of reprint markets? Chas Andres does an excellent exploration of the hit new supplemental Magic product here!

The Basic Land Financial Power Rankings

So you want to add some spice to your basic lands? Chas Andres has his complete Financial Power Rankings, plus This Week’s Trends!

The 6 Biggest Rules Of Standard Finance

With Standard’s return to the forefront (and Dominaria’s rave reviews from players everywhere), Chas Andres feels it’s time to update the way we approach the financial side of the format!

Reserved List Buyout Mania!

What on Earth is going on with these buyouts? Why now? What’s next? Chas talks the exploding prices on some of Magic’s oldest spells!

Dominaria’s Top 8 Financial Winners So Far

Chas Andres follows Dominaria’s financial trends through week one Standard and into the future with his latest look at the new set!

The Masterpieces You Need To Buy

The Masterpiece Series didn’t last long, but that makes the buying opportunities within it all the more valuable! Chas Andres gives his take on the underrated Expeditions, Inventions, and Invocations!

Dominaria Financial Review: Part 2

With the full set in the public eye now, Chas Andres can give you the full breakdown of the set’s current value, its future value, and which cards are worth picking up sooner rather than later! Learn what’s first-rate and what would be a speculation mistake before the Prerelease!

Dominaria Set Review, Part 1

Chas Andres kicks off his Dominaria finance review! Would Mox Amber be a $28 preorder if it were called “Amber Medallion” instead? Is Jaya Ballard secretly underrated? And which cycle is effectively priced at its floor already?

Modern Finance After Jace

Modern finance was pretty up when Jace and Bloodbraid got unbanned! So what’s happened since they were let back out into the wild? Are there fewer decks? Have more cards gone lower as a result? Chas Andres lays it all out in excellent detail!

Buying Into Brawl

When Wizards of the Coast announces a new format, that should get your Magic finance senses tingling! Chas Andres certainly knows that feeling, and today he’s sharing his insights. It’s all about the Brawl as he shares his top tips for scoping out the Standard-legal singleton setup for fun and profit!

Mining For Old School Spikes: Part 1 – Antiquities

Looking for new Magic money often starts with old Magic sets! Chas Andres is your guide to Magic’s deep history and the money that can be made there! Plus, the latest on Standard, Modern, and Masters 25!

The Biggest Misconceptions About Magic Finance

The truth hurts sometimes! A lot of the Magic finance wisdom that was true a few years ago no longer applies! Moreover, some of it was never true! It’s a different kind of Fact or Fiction when Chas Andres is at the podium!