Cassie LaBelle

AuthorCassie LaBelle

Cassie LaBelle is a professional writer and long-time Magic financier based in Denver, Colorado. She has been part of the competitive Magic community since 2001, and has been writing about trading and speculation on a weekly basis since 2010. She believes that smart buying decisions and the framework of personal finance can be used to make Magic more affordable and accessible to all.

Guilds Of Ravnica Financial Review: Part 2

Wait no longer! Chas Andres returns to finish up the big Guilds of Ravnica finance look! This is the highest powered Magic set in some time…so what does that mean for its financial future? Chas talks specifics!

Guilds Of Ravnica Financial Review: Part 1

Chas Andres can’t believe the power level of this set! And we’re not even done with the previews! Get caught up on the best buys and trends from the expert!

Set Rotation: Exactly What To Buy, Sell, And Hold

It doesn’t get any easier than this! Chas is assigning buy, sell, and hold advice to all the cards that matter most for the rotation! And as always, the latest market trends across the board!

Shocklands And Masterpieces: First Looks At Guilds Of Ravnica Finance

Join our finance guru for a look at Ravnica 3’s early stages! We’ve got a lot of unique cards and bits of information for Chas to sort through! Keep a close eye on the market!

What People Get Wrong About Magic’s Most Expensive Cards

When the Magic finance stakes are high, errors can cost a fortune. Chas Andres has six key misconceptions to correct, plus this week’s trends!

Finance Grades For Modern’s New Top Tier

Get a full review of the power, the affordability, the potential ban losses, the likelihood of a ban, and many other factors making up the top of Modern’s current financial meta!

Buying Standard Before The Rotation

The biggest money shakeup in the Magic market every year is fast approaching! Tons of powerful spells are leaving, making room for excellent buy-ins on future stars! What does Chas recommend embracing…and avoiding?

Is Nexus Of Fate The Next $100 Standard Card?

Chas Andres had his hands full this Pro Tour! It wasn’t so much the breakout deck as it was the breakout card, as Nexus of Fate is proving to be quite the conundrum in Magic finance! Where does this ride go next?

Commander 2018 Financial Review: Part 2

For SCGSelect eyes! Chas Andres finishes up his look at the new Commander 2018 decks hitting the market! There’s plenty of money to be made if you know where to look!

Commander 2018 Financial Set Review: Part 1

As a very special treat for the Commander players out there, Chas Andres is providing all his excellent finance expertise for the SCG Select audience this week!

Is Magic In A Bubble?

The hope is that Magic will be around forever, but what’s the worst case scenario? And how likely is it? Chas did some deep research and came to some fascinating conclusions about our favorite game’s longevity!

5 Burning Standard Finance Questions

New set and an impending rotation coming out of summer makes for lots of finance waves in Magic’s most accessible format! So how is Chas recommending you use this turbulent time to get the most value?

The Financial Fallout Of The Legacy Bans

Bans in Standard and Modern make for easy finance shifts, but not Legacy! Chas navigates the newest Magic news with an eye toward Reserved List factors and changing market trends!

Core Set 2019 Financial Review: Part 2

Chas Andres continues his financial review for Core Set 2019! Is Tezzeret, Artifice Master overrated? Is Dragon’s Hoard underrated? And why does Pelakka Wurm make him cry?

Core Set 2019 Financial Review: Part 1

Core Set 2019 has high end reprints, purposeful sideboard Modern hate, and of course, standout Standard newcomers! So what’s worth what? And how much will they be worth this time next year?