Cassie LaBelle

AuthorCassie LaBelle

Cassie LaBelle is a professional writer and long-time Magic financier based in Denver, Colorado. She has been part of the competitive Magic community since 2001, and has been writing about trading and speculation on a weekly basis since 2010. She believes that smart buying decisions and the framework of personal finance can be used to make Magic more affordable and accessible to all.

Fae, Zoo, & Modern Finance

In this week’s article, Chas examines the changes made to the Modern banned list last week and talks about the impact each is having on Magic’s fastest-growing format.

Born Of The Gods Set Review

Check out Magic finance guru Chas Andres’ review of Born of the Gods in which he talks about every mythic rare and rare in the new set along with uncommons and commons of note!

The Wolves Of WotC Street

It appears as though a group of speculators is working behind the scenes to raise the price of terrible rares. Is this actually happening? Chas Andres investigates!

First Look At Born Of The Gods & Second Look At Counterfeit Cards

Chas shares a few of his early thoughts on Born of the Gods cards spoiled so far and provides some updates to the counterfeit cards issue that he wrote about last week.

Counterfeit Cards

Magic finance expert Chas Andres explores the issue of counterfeit cards, which recently came to light with the discovery of a counterfeiting ring in China.

Investing In Vintage

Have you ever wanted to play Vintage but were scared off by the cost? Magic finance expert Chas Andres explains how the format isn’t as expensive to get into as you think.

Predicting The Future & Looking Back

In this week’s article, Chas looks back on Magic, media, and more in 2013 and makes some bold new predictions for 2014. What do you think will happen in Magic next year?

All About Context

Magic finance guru Chas Andres digs deep into the StarCityGames.com website and creates a list organized by price of every card that costs more than $9.99 to buy. Check it out!

Which Modern Cards Will Spike Next?

In this week’s article, Chas takes a look at a bunch of Modern decks to see which cards are most likely to spike in price next. Don’t miss the next Phyrexian Obliterator!

Is Legacy Cheaper Than Standard?

This week Magic finance expert Chas Andres compares the cost of buying into Legacy with the cost of buying into Standard to see which is better for you to do in the long run.

The Worst Magic Article Ever Written

“If you don’t know enough about something to develop an opinion naturally, make one up and defend it to the death.” Check out this fun satirical article from Chas Andres!

Magic Finance On Social Media

Chas tells you how you can use social media like Reddit and Twitter to keep up with Magic finance trends, providing a long list of people you should follow on Twitter and why.

The MTGOpocalypse

In this week’s article, Chas Andres writes about the possible financial ramifications of the large and significant events being taken down indefinitely on Magic Online.

One Hundred Thoughts

Chas goes back to one of his favorite structural gimmicks and shares one hundred thoughts on his mind with you today, mostly about Magic finance and the game at large.

Resurrecting Innistrad Block

This week Magic finance guru Chas Andres tells you about the Innistrad block cards you should be looking to pick up right now if you’re serious about playing Modern or Legacy.