AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Pioneer Splinter Twin Is Better Than Real Splinter Twin

Inverter of Truth is flipping the script in Pioneer! Rivals League member Carmen Handy details this combo deck ahead of SCG Richmond.

The Nine Lives Of Cauldron Familiar

Carmen Handy brews Cauldron Familiar / Witch’s Oven Sacrifice decks for Theros Beyond Death Standard…with a little help from her friend Salem!

Taking Modern By (Gifts) Storm

With Primeval Titan decks poised for dominance in the post-ban Modern metagame, Gifts Storm is a powerful counterpunch! Carmen Handy tells all!

Uro, Titan Of Nature’s Wrath Will Change Green Decks Forever

The Simic hits just keep coming in Theros Beyond Death! See why Carmen Handy thinks Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath is off the chain!

Orzhov Zombie Rally In Pioneer Is Legit

Carmen Handy breaks down Orzhov Zombie Rally in Pioneer, including her latest list and a sideboarding guide!

Analyzing The Synergies And Complexities Of Jund Sacrifice

Carmen Handy delves into the complexities of the Mythic Championship-winning Jund Sacrifice deck. Make the most of your plays!

All The Ins And Outs Of Mayhem Devil

Make the most out of Mayhem Devil in Standard! Carmen Handy has your essential guide to the Sacrifice keystone!

Comboing With Kethis, The Hidden Hand In Pioneer

Kethis Combo has the power to port from Standard to Pioneer! Emma Handy offers her latest build and a lesson in the art of making combo pieces double as stumbling blocks for the opponent!

Chowing Down: Strategies For Fighting Food In Throne Of Eldraine Standard

Food decks may seem oppressively powerful, but there’s hope! Carmen Handy highlights a range of options for taking on Gilded Goose, Wicked Wolf, and Oko, Thief of Crowns!

Comboing Off In Pioneer

Who doesn’t love an instant win? Emma Handy reviews the premier combo options at the dawn of Pioneer and shows you lists brimming with potential!

How To Beat Anything In Modern

Every deck has weaknesses, and all those weaknesses fall into a handful of categories. Carmen Handy shows you how to find, categorize, and exploit opposing Modern decks’ flaws at SCG Regionals!

Don’t Get Stuck In Modern’s Past!

The last few months have transformed Modern’s rules of engagement. Carmen Handy shows you how to free yourself from the format’s past and build decks with an eye toward winning events like SCG Indianapolis!

Surveying The Standard Field Ahead Of SCG Philadelphia

Before she takes to the broadcast booth, Carmen Handy examines the emerging Standard metagame with Throne of Eldraine! What have the winners played, and what surprises could pop up in Pennsylvania?

Torbran, Thane Of Red Fell Is The Future Of Red

Does red have a future in Throne of Eldraine Standard after Ghitu Lavarunner and friends rotate? Carmen Handy sees one under the leadership of Torbran, Thane of Red Fell!

The Water’s Warm: Checking In On The Cauldron of Eternity

Standard hasn’t seen a strong reanimation deck in quite awhile, but Emma Handy thinks The Cauldron of Eternity could be the card to change that! Will the powerful enchantment revitalize the much-loved (and hated) archetype?