AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

The Price Is Rite: How Village Rites Costing One Mana Changes Everything

Village Rites costs one mana less than Altar’s Reap, and Carmen Handy loves a bargain! Check out her Standard brews with lots of draw-twos!

Ikoria: Lair Of Behemoths Exit Interview

With Core Set 2021 previews beginning June 4, it’s time for the Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Exit Interview! Five SCG creators look back at one odd set.

Everything I Know About Simic Nexus In Historic

It’s time to take all the turns in Historic! Carmen Handy has your guide to Simic Nexus shenanigans on MTG Arena.

Yorion Dimir Inverter Is The Best Deck In Pioneer

Dimir Inverter plus a companion? Sign Rivals competitor Carmen Handy up! She offers her latest list and a guide to key matchups.

Everything I Know About Yorion Jeskai Lukka In Ikoria Standard

Yorion Jeskai Lukka took first place in last weekend’s MagicFest Online. Rivals member Carmen Handy has the essential guide to this 80-card monstrosity!

Everything I Know About Lurrus Boros Cycling In Ikoria Standard

Get ready to out-Fox your foes! Rivals member Carmen Handy has the goods on Flourishing Fox and the rest of the Boros Cycling deck in Ikoria Standard!

Exploring The Many Ways To Build Around Winota, Joiner Of Forces

Winota, Joiner of Forces is a classic build-around card. Carmen Handy uses it in Ikoria Standard to illustrate various approaches to build-arounds!

Four Cards That Impressed During The Ikoria Early Access Streamer Event

Rivals member Carmen Handy saw plenty of surprises at the Ikoria Early Access Streamer Event! She shows you the battle-proven cards of Ikoria Standard.

Sea-Dasher Octopus Is Much Better Than You Think

What has eight arms and countless possibilities? Carmen Handy brews to solve the riddle of Sea-Dasher Octopus!

Why Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate May Be Green’s Best Five-Mana Planeswalker

Carmen Handy wasted no time brewing with Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate! See why she thinks it could be Standard’s best green planeswalker when released!

Historic For Beginners

Move beyond Standard on MTG Arena! Rivals member Carmen Handy gives her overview of Historic and its emerging metagame.

Simic Ramp Is The New Anti-Meta In Theros Beyond Death Standard

Is it Simic Ramp’s time to return to the spotlight? Rivals member Carmen Handy rebuilds the deck for the new Standard metagame!

Fresh Updates On Modern Decks In Time For SCG Regionals

Carmen Handy is here to save you from stock Modern lists! The Rivals member shows you how to update your deck for SCG Regionals.

Underworld Breach Is About To Blow The Doors Off Modern

Another format, another broken Underworld Breach list! Carmen Handy breaks down Modern’s latest menace: Pascal Maynard’s Jeskai Breach!

Enchanting Enchantments: Exploring Orzhov Auras In Pioneer

Carmen Handy just wants to Sram down some enchantments in Pioneer! Get her Orzhov Auras list and sideboarding guide ahead of SCG Indianapolis!