AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Eternal Formats, Ixalan, And You

Carmen Handy’s mind is on Ixalan, yet far from the shores of Standard! What will see play in Modern and Legacy? What’s overrated? And when is a strictly worse version of a card still worth playing?

Video: Elves In Modern!

Carmen Handy continues her Modern video series with Elves! Whether she’s running over foes with little green creatures or comboing off in style, she wants you to be ready for SCG Louisville!

Mastering U/R Gifts Storm In Modern

At the SCG Louisville Modern Open, U/R Gifts Storm is one of the top contenders to walk away with the trophy! Carmen Handy has your comprehensive guide to comboing off with Grapeshot!

Video: U/R Gifts Storm In Modern!

Carmen Handy’s made her name in part as a streamer, and now she’s joining the SCG video rotation! Watch her Gifts Storm her way through three rounds of Modern on Magic Online ahead of SCG Louisville!

Cohesive Deckbuilding

What makes a deck work? Emma Handy breaks down the concept of cohesive deckbuilding, the differences between “good stuff” decks and synergy-driven machines, and much more!

Framing For Storm Players

Storm’s resurgence in Modern isn’t lost on Emma Handy! She’s taken a liking to the deck and wants to teach you how to pilot it! Join her as she talks dead cards, all-stars, and sideboarding with Modern’s newest old archetype!

Two And A Half Articles

Emma Handy, fresh off her Standard Classic Top 4 at SCG Syracuse, serves up several mini-articles designed to get you thinking about crucial Magic strategy and fundamentals ahead of SCG Richmond!

Know Your Enemy: Beating Death’s Shadow

At SCG Syracuse, if you want to win the Modern Open, you’ll have to beat Death’s Shadow at some point. Emma Handy breaks down the deck and its sideboard options here! Know. Your. Enemy!

Emma’s Magical Mailbag

You had questions, and Emma has answers! In this free-ranging article, nothing is off-limits: not the future of the banned list, not techniques for fighting off impostor syndrome…not even yogurt.

A Single Day Of Playtesting

Join Emma Handy for a journey into SCG Cincinnati Standard! How does an SCG Tour grinder prepare for a brand new format? She explains her process here!

Gnothi Seauton

Magic is meant to be fun for you and all who play. To maximize that fun, Emma Handy expounds on an Ancient Greek saying: “Gnothi seauton.” Know thyself!

Hour Of Devastation In Its Entirety

Emma Handy doesn’t pay attention to new set previews? What?! Turns out, there’s a method to her madness, and she explains why her strategy for evaluation will guide her to SCG Cincinnati glory!

Everything I’ve Considered For The Invitational

By the time the weekend is over, someone’s decks will be heralded as brilliant calls. But what about the ones that didn’t make it? Emma Handy reveals all the decks she’s tried out for the SCG Season One Invitational!

You Must Playtest Correctly!

Emma Handy is forever exhorting readers to playtest, playtest, playtest! But all that playtesting won’t do any good if you’re not doing it well. Get her secrets to proper playtesting ahead of the SCG Season One Invitational!

Dismantling Adages Throughout Magic

While some Magic advice is timeless, many of the game’s most treasured proverbs are getting stale. Emma Handy takes on three persistent yet pernicious adages, breaking down exactly where they fall apart, and shares the key to testing them on your own!