Ben Bleiweiss

AuthorBen Bleiweiss

Ben has been involved for over 20 years with Magic, including two tenures as a weekly columnist for WotC, eight Pro Tour appearances, providing coverage for the Pro Tour, and being a financial expert on Magic values. Ben started as an employee at SCG in 2003 as a card buyer and is now the General Manager.

SCG Daily – The Review of the Year in Preview

Ben put forth his predictions for ten trends and events in Magic for the year 2005. Now that we’ve reached the end of the year, how accurate was he? In today’s article, Ben breaks down where he was right, where he was wrong, and throws out a few predictions for 2006.

Ben’s Corner: Guildpact, Grand Prix: Ichorid and Foil Promo Goodness

This week in Ben’s Corner: What was hot at Grand Prix: Charlotte? Which great new rarities did we pick up at the event? What are the three Guildpact Mechanics? Which block of sets have had their prices slashed this week? Find the answers to these questions in this week’s edition of Ben’s Corner!

Ben’s Corner Will Be Appearing Tomorrow!

Due to travel to/from Grand Prix: Charlotte, Ben’s Corner will be appearing Tuesday this week. Tune in tomorrow to find out what was hot in North Carolina, and which rare cards StarCityGames.com picked up at the tournament!

Ben’s Corner: The SCG.Com Ravnica Holiday Discount

SCG.com is proud to announce the first two Power Nine events of the 2006 season – to be held on back-to-back days!

Legends singles have been dropped up to 50% in price.

Read about our holiday sale on Ravnica product – and much more – in this week’s edition of Ben’s Corner!

Ben’s Corner: New Day, New Products, New Location!

Ben’s Corner is back, and is now a Monday feature! Read all about the latest news, deals, and product updates from the world of StarCityGames.com. In today’s column, I talk about some exciting new changes coming to the site, including updates to our Foreign and Misprint card categories!

Ben’s Corner on Hiatus for Two Weeks

I’m on vacation in California and so Ben’s Corner will be on hiatus for the next two weeks. Our new buyer (Josh) will be attending both of our Pro Tour Qualifiers this weekend (in Roanoke, Virginia this Saturday and in Charleston, West Virginia this Sunday) so come on down and sell your cards!

Josh will also be buying cards through our buylist while I am on the West Coast. Expect the same fast turnaround on approvals and payments from him as you would from me.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, and see you in two weeks!

– Ben Bleiweiss
– General Manager, StarCityGames.com

Ben’s Corner: Sleeves, The Monster, Guildpact, and More!

Holy mother of pearl! I miss one week of Ben’s Corner and suddenly there’s a million new bits of news about StarCityGames.com. Come on in to Ben’s Corner and read about the new line of sleeves we’re carrying, the dozens of new promo cards we’ve added to the system, our buylist, and my 30th Birthday! All this and more in this week’s edition of Ben’s Corner.

Ben’s Corner: Coldsnap, Power Nine Chicago, and Extended Commons for Sale!

Wizards of the Coast has announced the release of the long-lost third set from the Ice Age block. Coldsnap will be released in July of 2006. What should you know about this new set and how do I suggest you prepare for the new release? Find out inside this week’s Ben’s Corner!

Also this week: By popular demand, I’m offering up ten lots of four of each of the 100 Most Essential Extended Commons. Click on this article to read the full details of this package.

Ben’s Corner: The 100 Best Selling States Cards!

Wondering what people are going to be playing at States? Ben takes at look at the StarCityGames.com sales database to make some startling predictions! Find which cards have been selling the best from Standard and which are falling behind.

Also in Ben’s Corner: Which new pieces of original Magic artwork has Star City added to its inventory? Hark, do I spy with my eye nifty new Magic carrying bags? Where can I go this weekend to sell my cards to StarCityGames.com in person? The answers to all these questions are just a click away!

Food for Thought: Hail Mary! Last Minute States Suggestions

Haven’t found a deck you like for States? Don’t want to be among the countless hordes playing Red/White, Mono-Blue Control, Gifts Ungiven or Black/Green? Then read this article to see Ben’s ramblings about a slew of cards being overlooked in Standard right now. Editor’s Warning: Following any of this advice might be dangerous to your health, sanity and chances of winning!

Ben’s Corner: The 100 Most Essential Extended Commons

Ben’s Corner presents a list of the 100 most essential commons you’ll need in Extended! Find out which commons you should get your hands on in order to be most prepared for the upcoming Extended PTQ season.

Also in Ben’s Corner: Which of the four Ravnica guilds has taken a massive jump in sales and popularity? Which sets from The Monster have been tamed this week? How high have buy prices gone on our buylist? Click the article to find out!

Ben’s Corner – Ravnica Updates!

Due to our high volume of Ravnica orders, Ben’s Corner will not be appearing this week. However, I did want to make the following announcements:

1) Ravnica Foils will be entered into inventory Friday afternoon. Please click the “Click here to be emailed when it’s back in stock!” button to receive immediate notification the second each Ravnica foil is added to inventory.

2) Pro Player cards have been given their own category, and are now available for sale. Buy a Kai today!

Have a great weekend, attend your local Ravnica Release tournament this weekend, and I’ll see you all next week!

– Ben Bleiweiss
– General Manager, StarCityGames.com

Ben’s Corner: Slaying The Monster

What is The Monster? For long-time followers of Ben’s Corner, this question has haunted their dreams for months. Is it a dragon? Is it a vampire? Nay, it is a million toothed cardboard beast which has inflicted ulcers upon all who gaze upon its hideous fury! Confused? Details are inside!

Also in Ben’s Corner: Feedback time! What do you want to see in future installments of Ben’s Corner? Now’s your time to have your voice heard!

Ben’s Corner: The Top Ravnica: City of Guilds Cards To Trade For!

The Ravnica prerelease is tomorrow and you’re looking to get the best trades possible at the tournament. Ben breaks down the hottest cards from the new set using data culled straight from weeks of Ravnica singles presales! See which cards are in the most demand, which cards are being undervalued, and which cards you should be gunning for on Saturday. Make sure you don’t trade away your gold for dandelions – read this edition of Ben’s Corner right now!

Ben’s Corner: The 9th Edition Sales Report!

In today’s Ben’s Corner, Ben reveals the top selling 9th Edition cards culled from the StarCityGames.com sales database!

Also this week: Which creature is poised to become the marquee creature in Standard? How can you get Ravnica singles at the lowest prices? Why will Ben’s Corner be a premium article next week? The answers to all this and more is only a click away!