Video: U/R Breach In Modern! “Annihilator 6.” If that card text is up your alley, Gerry Thompson has your deck for SCG Louisville! Watch him pilot the list that took third in a recent Magic Online PTQ! By Gerry Thompson September 14, 2017 Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied! U/R Breach CharLy 3rd Place at Online Event on 09-04-2017 Modern Creatures (9) 2 Vendilion Clique4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn3 Snapcaster Mage Lands (24) 1 Mountain7 Island3 Steam Vents4 Misty Rainforest4 Scalding Tarn3 Sulfur Falls2 Desolate Lighthouse Spells (27) 4 Lightning Bolt4 Serum Visions4 Through the Breach2 Blood Moon1 Peek4 Remand2 Electrolyze2 Spell Snare3 Cryptic Command1 Izzet Charm Sideboard 2 Engineered Explosives1 Shadow of Doubt3 Dispel1 Jace, Architect of Thought1 Vandalblast2 Anger of the Gods2 Roast2 Ceremonious Rejection1 By Force Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied!