
Video Daily Digest: Elvish Remedies

Vizier of Remedies and Devoted Druid make a potent pair in Modern, but what’s the right shell to put around them? Ross Merriam showcases the Vizier Elves deck that Martin Juza took to a Top 16 Grand Prix finish! You must be ready for this deck at SCG Charlotte!

Collected Company has experienced quite the resurgence with Amonkhet, as the Devoted Druid / Vizier of Remedies combo slots easily into the old Abzan shell or straight G/W. But there’s one more existing, powerful shell in Modern that can incorporate the combo: Devoted Druid is an Elf.

It also makes plenty of mana to power out Elvish Archdruid or Ezuri, Renegade Leader in the Elves deck’s normal gameplan, so the opportunity cost of playing four over your worst cards is very low.

Vizier of Remedies is a different story. There are no Kitchen Finks (in the maindeck) to synergize with the glorified Goblin Piker, so this list only plays one copy.

That may seem strange, but unlike in the Counters Company decks, here the combo is Plan B. You have four Chord of Callings to immediately find it and Collected Company to dig for it, so you don’t need more in order to find it reasonably often.

Notably, you don’t even need the first Vizier of Remedies to go off with Devoted Druid. Two copies of the card alongside an Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and each Overrun activation lets you generate three more mana with each Devoted Druid, enough to continue the loop ad infinitum. The fact that Ezuri naturally defends Devoted Druid against many removal spells is just icing on the cake.

Last, it’s important to note how good the threat of the combo is for the Plan A of Elves. Any hesitation in using removal against Elves could lead to an explosive turn, but too much aggression could lead to a combo turn. Squeezes like that, where the consequences to both sides are severe, are near-impossible for foes to navigate consistently and a great positive for the deck.

And best of all, that threat, while potent, isn’t something you’re relying on. You can bait your opponents with irrelevant Devoted Druids or even sideboard out the combo if you’d like. I see many more options with this deck than with Counters Company and little, if any, loss in power. Call me biased, but the pointy-eared tribe looks scarier than ever.